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PI Total time #CoIs, team Fernando Comerón 2n (ELT 42m) Not many people Low-mass brown dwarf formation in the Magellanic Clouds: A population long gone.

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Presentation on theme: "PI Total time #CoIs, team Fernando Comerón 2n (ELT 42m) Not many people Low-mass brown dwarf formation in the Magellanic Clouds: A population long gone."— Presentation transcript:

1 PI Total time #CoIs, team Fernando Comerón 2n (ELT 42m) Not many people Low-mass brown dwarf formation in the Magellanic Clouds: A population long gone into obscurity in our neighbourhood The Magellanic Clouds are the only nearby place where low- metallicity, very low-mass brown dwarfs are accessible to observation. And the ELT will be the only telescope reaching the depth and resolution needed to reveal them.

2 Scientific rationale Our Galaxy may have produced huge numbers of low metallicity, very low mass (a few M Jup ) brown dwarfs in its infancy –but they have faded beyond detection long since then: 10 M Jup at 5 Gyr  M K = 30.5, H-K=-7.2 However, we can watch them forming now in the LMC and SMC –if they form at all! At K=28, M lim = 6 M Jup (1 Myr); 15 M Jup (10 Myr); reachable in 2h at S/N>5 with a 42m ELT (similar times and limits for J, H). A low-mass star forming cloud is only ~2’’across at the LMC distance  LTAO can yield nearly diffraction- limited image cores of the whole cluster, reach very deep, and overcome confusion.


4 Immediate objectives -Observe low-mass SFR in the LMC and SMC. -Identify the lowest-mass objects from their position in color-color-magnitude diagrams. -Spectroscopy of the brightest candidates is possible -Compare mass functions to galactic, solar metallicity counterparts (we will know much more about those thanks to VISTA) -Extrapolate numbers over the history of the Milky Way: how abundant are old, low-metallicity low-mass brown dwarfs? -What if none is found? Is there a minimum mass threshold that depends on metallicity?

5 RunTargetR.A.Dec.ToTMagNotes ALMC5.4h-69˚5h<29S/N > 3 BSMC0.8h-72˚5h<29S/N > 3 ELT Justification: milliarcsecond-level resolution is needed down to K ~ 28. Legacy Value: Complete stellar and substellar IMFs in a low metallicity environment will be obtained. Data Reduction: Not particularly challenging from this point of view –crowded field photometry? RunMPModeAOT.FOVPixel Notes A-ImagingLTAO1n2’’10JHKZ = 0.3 B-ImagingLTAO1n2’’10JHKZ = 0.1

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