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Major Players/Terms/ Alliances

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1 Major Players/Terms/ Alliances
Causes of WWII Major Players/Terms/ Alliances

2 The Rise of Dictators A Dictator is a leader who controls by force.

3 Italy Italy- Benito Mussolini believed in fascism (extreme nationalism and racism) Created Fascist party, banned all other parties, civil liberties were abandoned, force children into military Invaded Ethiopia in 1935. Withdrew from League of Nations in 1939

4 Germany Adolf Hitler rose to power through the Nazi Party.
Believed German people were superior to others particularly the Jews, anti-Semitism. Elected chancellor in 1933 and established totalitarian rule (control all aspects of people’s lives).

5 Japan Japanese were in need of economic help and felt their leaders were not doing enough. Many Military leaders rose to power. Need natural resources that Japan didn’t have. Needed to invade other countries to get them. Invaded Manchuria in 1931 and China 1935

6 Axis Powers 1940 Japan signed an “Axis,” agreement, with Germany and Italy. Became known as the Axis Powers.

7 Soviet Union Joseph Stalin was head of the Communist Party
He demanded obedience from his people Put to death people who opposed him Sent people to labor camps Forced people to work on government controlled farms.

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