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Network Location Awareness Vision And Scenarios Tracey Yao Program Manager Windows Wireless Networking Microsoft Corporation.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Location Awareness Vision And Scenarios Tracey Yao Program Manager Windows Wireless Networking Microsoft Corporation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Location Awareness Vision And Scenarios Tracey Yao Program Manager Windows Wireless Networking traceyy @ Microsoft Corporation

2 Session Outline IntroductionScenariosFeaturesArchitectureDemoResourcesQ&A

3 Introduction Windows users are becoming more mobile; Applications must adapt to changing network environments The “Windows Longhorn” Network Location Awareness (NLA) service provides the latest network information Applications can query or register with NLA for network change indications

4 Scenarios – Longhorn User Friendly Connections UX: The updated connections User Interface (UI) shows a user that they are connected to ABC Corpnet whenever any of the PC’s interfaces are connected to ABC’s corporate network Switch Default Printer: As a user travels between home and office, their default printer is automatically switched Opportunistic Certificate Update: The digital identity management service opportunistically connects to the domain controller to refresh certificates that are about to expire Switch Firewall Profile: The user’s firewall automatically applies the corporate profile when it is connected to a corporate network Reduced Boot Time: At boot time, Group Policy attempts to connect to the domain controller to apply policy only when there is corporate network connectivity

5 Scenarios – Opportunities Network Specific Settings: Applications can associate settings with a specific network Adapt to Bandwidth Changes: Applications can adjust their network usage based on available bandwidth and network latency Opportunistic Use of Internet: Applications can check for internet capability before attempting to use resources on the internet Restrict Use of Corporate Applications: Line of business applications can restrict access or reduce functionality in the absence of corporate network connectivity

6 Planned Longhorn Features FeatureDescription Planned Release Network Signature A unique identifier for each network to which the PC is connected Beta 1 Intranet Capability A determination of whether a given network has a domain controller Beta 1 Intranet Authentication A determination of whether the PC is authenticated with a domain controller on a given network Beta 1 Internet Capability A determination of whether the PC can reach the internet on a given network Beta 1 SSID The SSID for a given wireless network Beta 2 802.1X Auth A determination of whether the PC is 802.1X authenticated to a given network Beta 2 Bandwidth and Latency The bandwidth and latency associated with a given connection on a network Beta 2

7 Hop ID Link ID Network Signature Network ID 48 bytes

8 Firewall Connection UX RAS App API Client Architecture Provided by: MS Core MS NLA Clients ISV NLA Clients IPHelper NLA Service Wireless Service React to network changes and collect network data Indicate network characteristics of choice DNS Directory Services

9 Simple Internet Aware App Tracey Yao Windows demo

10 Demo This demonstration illustrates how network location awareness (NLA) detects changes in network connectivity We implement a simple internet aware application that uses NLA to display the network connectivity state We launch the application to show changes in network connectivity

11 Demo NLA Data: NLA_TRI_STATE A NLA_TRI_STATE object can have a value of TRUE, FALSE, or UNKNOWN. NLA data with the NLA data type NLA_DATA_TYPE_INTERNET_CAPABILITY are NLA_TRI_STATE objects. NLA_QUERY_FILTER This is used to construct a NLA filter. Filters are used to specify the conditions that the NLA data must satisfy before an application is to be notified.

12 Demo NLA Data: NLA_COMPLETION This represents the mechanism in which an application wants to be notified. NLA supports notification through: Eventing Completion calls Overlapped structure Windows messages

13 Demo NLA Application Programming Interface (API) Functions NlaRegisterQuery This function allows an application to register for notification with NLA NlaGetInternetCapability This function allows an application to query for the internet capability of a given network NlaCloseQuery This function closes the application session with NLA

14 Demo NLA API Supporting Functions NlaCreateTypeSet This function creates a new type set to be used in constructing the set and filter for an NLA query NlaCreateFilter This function creates a filter to be used in an NLA query NlaAddToTypeSet This function adds an NLA data type to an existing type set NlaNotEqual This function creates an “NOT EQUALS” expression to be used in an NLA filter NlaDeleteFilter This function deletes an existing filter NlaDeleteTypeSet This function deletes an existing type set

15 Local RPC channel Demo t hQ ← NlaRegisterQuery(hFilter, hTypeSet) Build application context Sense network events (cable connected) t Update network state Send network change notifications to applications Network state is monitored continuously Notifications are delivered to each existent application session Application is continuously updated on the network state, based on its needs NlaCloseQuery(hQ) Cleanup context and terminate application session NLA data acquisition process NLA ↔ Application interaction Application Process NLA Service Construct NLA Filter (hFilter) Construct NLA type set (hTypeSet) Receive WM_NLA notification bInternet← NlaGetInternetCapability(hQ) Receive WM_NLA notification bInternet← NlaGetInternetCapability(hQ)

16 Simple Internet Aware App Tracey Yao Windows demo

17 Call To Action Determine how NLA can improve your application experience Read the NLA whitepapers Familiarize yourself with the network data types and APIs your application needs Post comments and questions on our blog

18 NLA Specific Resources E-Mail: E-Mail: nlafdbck @ Web Resources Whitepapers: us/dnlong/html/lhnla.asp us/dnlong/html/lhnla.asp A.mspx A.mspx Blog: Related Sessions Track: Networking Wireless Vision: Windows Longhorn and Beyond

19 Community Resources Community Sites List of Newsgroups us/default.aspx us/default.aspx Attend a free chat or Webcast Locate a local user group(s) Non-Microsoft Community Sites

20 Community Resources Windows Hardware and Driver Central (WHDC) Technical Communities Non-Microsoft Community Sites Microsoft Public Newsgroups Technical Chats and Webcasts Microsoft Blogs

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