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7 December 20151 SLHC Calo Trigger Simulation Status Report Kevin Flood, Michail Bachtis University of Wisconsin, Madison.

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Presentation on theme: "7 December 20151 SLHC Calo Trigger Simulation Status Report Kevin Flood, Michail Bachtis University of Wisconsin, Madison."— Presentation transcript:

1 7 December 20151 SLHC Calo Trigger Simulation Status Report Kevin Flood, Michail Bachtis University of Wisconsin, Madison

2 Calorimeter signatures Electrons/Photons –Spatially confined in a cluster of 2x2 trigger towers –Significantly higher ECAL contribution –Isolated e/γ should have low energy deposits in the surrounding area ECAL HCAL Δη x Δφ=0.087x0.087 e/γ ECAL HCAL τ ECAL HCAL jet Taus Confined in 2x3 Clusters 3 prongs/1 prong + π 0 s have wider φ profile Small energy leak in surrounding towers Jets Most of the energy confined in a central core For jets over 20 Gev the energy is included in a 8x8 region η φ η φ η φ

3 Algorithm Overview Particle Cluster Finder –Takes Calorimeter TPG input and applies tower thresholds –Creates overlapped 2x2 clusters Cluster Overlap Filter –Removes overlap between clusters –Identifies local maxima –Prunes low energy clusters Cluster Isolation and Particle ID –Applied to local maxima –Calculates isolation deposits around 2x2, 2x3 clusters –Identifies particles Jet reconstruction –Applied on filtered clusters –Groups clusters to jets Particle Sorter –Sorts particles and outputs the four most energetic ones per class MET,HT,MHT Calculation –Calculates Et Sums, Missing Et from clusters Original Algorithm E T dependent E/(E+H) selection –3 parameters to tune Recent Additions Tau central tower E T threshold E T threshold to add cluster energy for isolation constant slope threshold

4 Compatible with CMSSW_2_2_[5,6,7] –[Insert tag string] –SLHCUpgradeSimulations/L1Trigger –SimDataFormats/SLHC –CaloTrigger file prefix “L1Calo” or “Calo” FastSim+Emulator can be generated “on-the-fly” with any generator and arbitrary PU –Event rate ~0.5-1 Hz for ~40 PU –Tested with 30K ttbar and 45K QCD (9 pthat bins) Also can use Summer08 or later GEN-SIM-RECO, GEN-SIM-DIGI-RAW-HLTDEBUG Configs in SLHCUpgradeSimulations/L1Trigger/test All Calo Trigger products can be persisted (or not) Calo Trigger Code Migrated to CMSSW CVS

5 Technical info on code as structured in CVS... Calo Trigger Code Migrated to CMSSW CVS

6 7 December 20156 Fast vs FullSim Calo Clusters 2x10 ^34 (40 PU) ttbar events used to compare fast vs full sim –30K fast, 80K full sim Clusterization, calo trigger response essentially identical for Et>20 –Higher multiplicity of very low-energy clusters/tracks known fast sim feature Fast (points) Full (hist) unit area normalized Cluster E T dN / dE T Cluster E T Cluster iEta Fast (points) Full (hist) unit area normalized Cluster iPhi Fast (points) Full (hist) unit area normalized

7 7 December 20157 Fast vs Full Sim Triggers No significant differences in IsoE, Tau, QCD Jet triggers Fast (points) Full (hist) unit area normalized IsoE Trigger E T Tau Trigger Et Fast (points) Full (hist) unit area normalized Jet Trigger Et Fast (points) Full (hist) unit area normalized Jet Et

8 7 December 20158 FastSim vs FullSim QCD Jet Rate Tau trigger rate for QCD generated in nine pthat bins –40 PU, 5K FastSim, >=5K FullSim events each bin Good agreement FullSim above that –Arbitrary trigger configuration

9 7 December 20159 2E34 Tau Rate/Efficiency: New vs Current L1 Text...

10 7 December 201510 2E34 IsoElec Rate/Efficiency: New vs Current L1 Text...

11 7 December 201511 2E34 Jet Rate/Efficiency: New vs Current L1 Text...

12 7 December 201512 Summary Phase I Upgrade –... –Track HCAL evolution Phase II Upgrade –Simulation production with strawman tracker(s) –Integrate tracking info, evaluate algorithms –Develop track+calo container –...

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