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Vacuoles Besher Ashouri Jasmine Samra.

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Presentation on theme: "Vacuoles Besher Ashouri Jasmine Samra."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vacuoles Besher Ashouri Jasmine Samra

2 Vacuoles Large Vesicles Golgi Apparatus and Endoplasmic Reticulum.
Part of the Endomembrane System

3 Functions of Vacuoles Water regulator
Enzymatic Hydrolysis (Plants and Fungi) Storage for organic compounds Storage for poisonous compounds (Plant Protection) Containment of waste products A major player in the growth of plant cells (absorbs water)

4 Structure of Vacuoles Membrane which surrounds a mass of fluid Animals: Small Vacuoles One or more. Plants: A big Central Vacuole

5 Central Vacuoles - Plants
Made up of smaller vacuoles Outside membrane: Tonoplast Solution inside: Cell Sap cell’s main source of inorganic molecules potassium, chloride

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