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Characteristics of Life

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1 Characteristics of Life
Review for Test

2 Know the six characteristics of all living things
All living things have one or more cells All living things have DNA All living things grow and develop All living things reproduce All living things use energy All living things respond to stimuli

3 Know the four necessities
Food Water Air Shelter

4 Is a river alive? A. Yes because it can move
B. Yes, because it can change directions C. No it does not have DNA, it cannot reproduce, and it does not have cells ANSWER: C. No a river does not have DNA, it cannot reproduce, it does not have cells

5 What is needed for chemical reactions?
Air Gasoline Water ANSWER: C. Water is need for chemical reactions

6 An infant to an adult is an example of which characteristic?
Made up of cells Reproduction Grow and develop ANSWER: C. Grow and Develop

7 How is homeostasis related to a dog and his fur?
It keeps the dog healthy It keeps the dog’s body temperature stable It colors the dog’s hair ANSWER: B It keeps the dog’s body temperature stable

8 An amoeba contains all the materials necessary for life
An amoeba contains all the materials necessary for life. Which of the following correctly describes it? It is multicellular It is unicellular It can be seen with the naked eye ANSWER: B It is unicellular

9 How are sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction different?
Both require two parents Both require no parents Asexual reproduction does not require two parents Sexual reproduction does not require two parents ANSWER: C. Asexual reproduction does not require two parents

10 DNA stands for what? Dinoribonucleic acid Deoxyribonucleic acid
Deoxynitrogenous acid ANSWER: B

11 If I shine a flashlight in your eye your pupil shrinks
If I shine a flashlight in your eye your pupil shrinks. In this case your pupil shrinking is ______. A. a response B. a stimulus C. homeostasis Answer: A. a response

12 Plants use carbon dioxide, water, and the sun’s energy to make their own food. Which of the following are they? A. producer B. consumer C. decomposer Answer: A. producer

13 This chemical is the major source of energy for the body.
A. carbohydrate B. protein C. lipid Answer: A.

14 Muscles and fingernails are examples of which molecule?
carbohydrate protein lipid ANSWER: B protein

15 What molecule is an important part of the cell membrane?
protein carbohydrate lipid ANSWER: C. Lipid

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