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Forging the National Economy

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Presentation on theme: "Forging the National Economy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Forging the National Economy 1790-1860

2 The Industrial Revolution Overview
Textile Industry – Great Britain Factory System Improved Transportation and Communications

3 U.S. Resistance to Industrialization
Population Density - Urban Areas Western Lands Capital Investments Raw Materials Secrets kept by Europeans

4 Early Industrialization in U.S.
Waltham, Massachusetts – the birth of the Lowell System and the beginning of the industrial revolution in the United States Water Power - Steam Power Samuel Slater Moses Brown Eli Whitney

5 Impact of Factory System
Firearms Industry Principle of Interchangeable Parts Elias Howe - Isaac Singer Samuel F.B. Morse Birth of Industrial Corporations Limited Liability State Charters

6 Labor Conditions Depersonalization Child - Female Labor
Martin Van Buren Commonwealth v. Hunt

7 Western Farms as Part of the National Economy
Transportation Problems Ohio Valley - Cotton South Connection Steamboats John Deere Cyrus McCormick

8 More Efficient Transportation Systems
Turnpikes Steamboats - Keelboats Robert Fulton Canals - Erie Canal, 1825 Railroads North-West Connection

9 Western Frontier – Birthplace for American Character
Alleghenies Alexis de Tocqueville

10 The Influence Urban Areas on the American Character

11 Immigration as an Influence on the American Character
Irish - Urban Folk - Tammany Hall Germans - Prosperous Farmers

12 Anti-Foreign Reactions
Religious Intolerance Order of the Star-Spangled Banner, 1849

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