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…. Tragic Failures In Life’s Most Basic Relationship.

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2 Tragic Failures In Life’s Most Basic Relationship

3 Ê Refuse To Teach Your Children Ë Abdicate Your Leadership

4 Ì Let Children Avoid Punishment  Our society almost now universally frowns upon any form of punishment  We’re more concerned with damage to the violater’s self-esteem than with the damage the violater does to himself, others

5 Ì Let Children Avoid Punishment  Nothing good results if punishment is withheld or delayed Eccl 8:11  Examples…  Eli 1 Sam 2:12-17, 22-25 3:11-14  David 2 Sam 13:1-14, 21, 23 3:2  Because Amnon was his 1st born?  Because of his own sin? 2 Sam 11-12

6 Ì Let Children Avoid Punishment  We do our children no favor if we allow them to avoid needed punishment  They learn to “use others”…even “play” their parents to their own advantage  Bad behavior is enabled for a lifetime

7 Ì Let Children Avoid Punishment  What is discipline’s purpose? Heb 12  It indicates love v. 6  It makes a child “legitimate” v. 8  It produces respect, shared holiness, and righteousness vv. 9-11

8 Í Play Favorites With Your Children  Nothing can destroy good will among peers more than favoritism  The Scripture is emphatic re: this part of God’s character Deut 10:17 Acts 10:34 Rom 2:11 Gal 2:6 Eph 6:9 Col 3:25 1 Pet 1:17

9 Í Play Favorites With Your Children  It is good to appreciate differences among your children  It is not good to lead children into a “contest” for love & affection through parental favoritism

10 Í Play Favorites With Your Children  Examples…  Jacob & Esau Gen 25:27-28  Family members will act dishonorably because of favoritism Gen 27  Joseph Gen 37:3  Bitterness among siblings is created that can last for years vv. 4, 18-20, 23

11 Î Forget About Your Spouse  Our first 4 points dealt with children  This last one focuses on the primary relationship Ù marriage Gen 2:18  A relationship that must be continually nurtured, cared for…never neglected nor taken for granted

12 Î Forget About Your Spouse  Our first 4 points dealt with children  This last one focuses on the primary relationship Ù marriage Gen 2:18  If “spiritual love” can grow cold, so can “marital love” Rev 2:4-5a

13 Î Forget About Your Spouse  Think back to all the effort you put in when dating and courting  Especially all the “little things” you did to get his/her attention  Has tenderness, affection ceased?  Has dating & courting stopped?

14 Î Forget About Your Spouse  Marital love is supposed to grow more special over time Prov 5:15-20  God expects couples to become more enraptured, not less  Reference is to an older woman…not a new bride

15 Conclusion  God expects success…not failure  Society, the church depends on success  He didn’t create this relationship only to see us abandon His plan, live in misery  Can there still be problems even though His principles are practiced?

16 Conclusion  Failure is guaranteed if no one shows any interest in God’s plan for the home  Do you get a yearly physical…do you review your insurance periodically?  Examine your home to determine if it is headed for success or failure


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