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PROGRESSive Era TARGETS October 20, 2014. 1.Political Reform South are mostly ____________________ democrat North are mostly ____________________ Republican.

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Presentation on theme: "PROGRESSive Era TARGETS October 20, 2014. 1.Political Reform South are mostly ____________________ democrat North are mostly ____________________ Republican."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROGRESSive Era TARGETS October 20, 2014

2 1.Political Reform South are mostly ____________________ democrat North are mostly ____________________ Republican – Except IRISH Politicians NOT paid much in 1800s – So many politicians figured out how to get $$$ through bribes Politicians use bribery & gov’t jobs to influence voters & win elections Progressives WANT: End corruption in gov’t – Especially POLITCAL MACHINES 2.Progressive Women WANT SUFFRAGE Suffrage: right to VOTE 3.Fix effects of HIGH POPULATION Cities filled with tenements, crime, and disease – Children paid 1 cent for rats caught Cities WORST FEAR: FIRE Progressives WANT: building codes, parks, police/ fire departments, sewage improvements, safe drinking water…

3 4.Get rid of BIG BUSINESS HELP smaller business owners Progressives WANT: “Bust the Trusts” – Get rid of corporations Vertical vs. Horizontal Monopolies Vertical: OWN every aspect of creating product to control PROFIT Example: Carnegie (Steel) Horizontal: BUY out all COMPETITORS (control market) Example: JP Morgan/ Rockefeller 5.Reduce gap between wealthy & poor Root of all evil is WEALTHY AMERICANS – RICH are stealing from the POOR PROGRESSIVES WANT: Middle Class RESULT: Set minimum wage/ no child labor/ safe working conditions How do Americans hear about injustices??? Muckrakers: writers who wrote about the “ugly” truth – Tool used to clean manure and hay out of animals’ stables

4 Lincoln Steffens – writer “The Shame of the Cities” Reports explain government corruption, BIG BUSINESS POWER, etc. Jacob Riis – photographer “How the Other Half Lives” Show pictures of tenements, poor Americans, etc. Upton Sinclair – novel writer “The Jungle” Unsanitary conditions in meat packing industries Result: FDA (Food & Drug Admin.)

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