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Judith Bennion - Nurse Manager (General Medicine) A Recipe for Care - Not a Single Ingredient.

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Presentation on theme: "Judith Bennion - Nurse Manager (General Medicine) A Recipe for Care - Not a Single Ingredient."— Presentation transcript:

1 Judith Bennion - Nurse Manager (General Medicine) A Recipe for Care - Not a Single Ingredient

2 Judith Bennion - Nurse Manager (General Medicine) TRUST STRATEGY “Two clinically sustainable hospitals within a financially viable teaching Foundation Trust that puts patient care first”. Locally there is an increasing ageing population. Older People are cared for across the organisation. There have been many National Drivers for improving care for Older People - the National Service Framework for Older People (2001) - (9 standards). - a New Ambition for Old Age (2006) - (3 themes).

3 Judith Bennion - Nurse Manager (General Medicine) There are five key elements: Early intervention and assessment of old age conditions. - Diagnostic, Assessment, Access to Rehabilitation and Treatment (DAART). - Falls Risk Assessment (FRASE). - Achieving Person Centred Care for Older People - Champions Programme. Long term conditions managed in the Community. - Chronic Obstructive Airways Disease Clinical Nurse Specialist (COPD CNS). - Community Matrons in the Primary Care Trust. Early supported discharge. - Multi-disciplinary Team (MDT). - Progress Meetings. - COPD CNS Service. Access to acute hospital care when needed combined with access to specialised centres. - DAART and the Care Co-ordination Centre (CCC). - Dedicated Rehabilitation and Stroke Units. Partnership Model. - Excellent MDT working embedded in the culture of the organisation. - Care of the Elderly Wards have satellite offices for the MDT. - Nutrition, Protected mealtimes / Student Nurse Pilot.

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