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Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 071 Gunnar Lindstroem University of Hamburg The WODEAN Project present status.

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Presentation on theme: "Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 071 Gunnar Lindstroem University of Hamburg The WODEAN Project present status."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 071 Gunnar Lindstroem University of Hamburg The WODEAN Project present status

2 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 072 Proton-proton collider Energy: 2 x 7 TeV Luminosity: 10 34 Bunch crossing: every 25 nsec Rate: 40 MHz pp-collision event rate: 10 9 /sec (23 interactions per bunch crossing) Annual operational period: 10 7 sec Expected total op. period: 10 years period of 10 yearslow dissipation power at moderate cooling Silicon pixel and microstrip detectors meet all requirements for LHC How about future developments? LHC properties LHC-Challenge for Tracking Detectors Experimental requestDetector property Experimental requestDetector property Reliable detection of mipsS/N ≈ 10 reachable withReliable detection of mipsS/N ≈ 10 reachable with employing minimum minimum detector thicknessemploying minimum minimum detector thickness material budgetmaterial budget High event rateexcellent time- (~10 ns)High event rateexcellent time- (~10 ns) & high track accuracy& position resolution (~10 µm) Intense radiation fieldRadiation tolerance up toIntense radiation fieldRadiation tolerance up to throughout operational1015 1MeV eq. n/cm² throughout operational1015 1MeV eq. n/cm² LHC properties  Proton-proton collider, 2 x 7 TeV Luminosity: 10 34  Bunch crossing: every 25 nsec, Rate: 40 MHz event rate: 10 9 /sec (23 interactions per bunch crossing)  Annual operational period: 10 7 sec  Expected total op. period: 10 years Experimental requests Detector properties Reliable detection of mips S/N ≈ 10 High event rate time + position resolution: high track accuracy ~10 ns and ~10 µm Complex detector design low voltage operation in normal ambients Intense radiation field Radiation tolerance up to during 10 years 10 15 hadrons/cm² Feasibility, e.g. large scale availability 200 m² for CMS known technology, low cost Silicon Detectors: Favorite Choice for Particle Tracking ! Silicon Detectors meet all Requirements ! Example: Large Hadron Collider LHC, start 2007

3 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 073 LHC ATLAS Detector – a Future HEP Experiment Overall length: 46m, diameter: 22m, total weight: 7000t, magnetic field: 2T ATLAS collaboration: 1500 members micro-strip detector for particle tracking principle of a silicon detector: solid state ionization chamber For innermost layers: pixel detectors 2nd general purpose experiment: CMS, with all silicon tracker!

4 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 074 Main motivations for R&D on Radiation Tolerant Detectors: Super - LHC LHC upgrade  LHC (2007), L = 10 34 cm -2 s -1  (r=4cm) ~ 3·10 15 cm -2  Super-LHC (2015 ?), L = 10 35 cm -2 s -1  (r=4cm) ~ 1.6·10 16 cm -2 LHC ( Replacement of components) e.g. - LHCb Velo detectors (~2010) - ATLAS Pixel B-layer (~2012) Linear collider experiments (generic R&D) Deep understanding of radiation damage will be fruitful for linear collider experiments where high doses of e,  will play a significant role. 10 years 500 fb -1 5 years 2500 fb -1  5 5 CERN-RD48 CERN-RD50

5 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 075 Radiation Damage in Silicon Sensors Two types of radiation damage in detector materials:  Bulk (Crystal) damage due to Non Ionizing Energy Loss (NIEL - displacement damage, built up of crystal defects – I. Increase of leakage current (increase of shot noise, thermal runaway) II. Change of effective doping concentration (higher depletion voltage, under- depletion) III. Increase of charge carrier trapping (loss of charge)  Surface damage due to Ionizing Energy Loss (IEL) - accumulation of charge in the oxide (SiO 2 ) and Si/SiO 2 interface – affects: interstrip capacitance (noise factor), breakdown behavior, … ! Signal/noise ratio = most important quantity !

6 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 076 Deterioration of Detector Properties by displacement damage NIEL Point defects + clusters Dominated by clusters Damage effects generally ~ NIEL, however differences between proton & neutron damage important for defect generation in silicon bulk

7 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 077 Radiation Damage – Leakage current  Damage parameter  (slope in figure) Leakage current per unit volume and particle fluence   is constant over several orders of fluence and independent of impurity concentration in Si  can be used for fluence measurement Increase of Leakage Current  Leakage current decreasing in time (depending on temperature)  Strong temperature dependence: Consequence: Cool detectors during operation! Example: I(-10°C) ~1/16 I(20°C) 80 min 60  C with time (annealing): …. with particle fluence:

8 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 078 Radiation Damage – Effective doping concentration n+n+ p+p+ n+n+ p+p+ Change of Depletion Voltage V dep (N eff ) “Type inversion”: N eff changes from positive to negative (Space Charge Sign Inversion) Short term: “Beneficial annealing” Long term: “Reverse annealing” - time constant depends on temperature: ~ 500 years(-10°C) ~ 500 days( 20°C) ~ 21 hours( 60°C) …. with time (annealing): before inversionafter inversion „Hamburg model“ …. with particle fluence: Consequence: Cool Detectors even during beam off (250 d/y) alternative: acceptor/donor compensation by defect enginrg., e.g. see developm. with epi-devices (Hamburg group)

9 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 079 Summary  Silicon Detectors in the inner tracking area of future colliding beam experiments have to tolerate a hadronic fluence of up to  eq = 10 16 /cm²  Deterioration of the detector performance is largely due to bulk damage caused by non ionizing energy loss of the particles  Reverse current increase (originating likely from both point defects and clusters) can be effectively reduced by cooling. Defect engineering so far not successful  Change of depletion voltage severe, also affected by type inversion and annealing effects. Modification by defect engineering possible, for standard devices continuous cooling essential (freezing of annealing)  Charge trapping is the ultimate limitation for detector application, responsible trapping centers widely unknown, cooling and annealing have little effects

10 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 0710 Outline for a correlated project Main issue: charge trapping, the ultimate limitation for detector applications in future HEP experiments source for trapping so far unknown! Maximum  to be tolerated: 1.5E+16 n/cm². Charge trapping: independent of material type (FZ, CZ, epi) and properties (std, DO, resistivity, doping type). not depending on type of irradiating particles and energy (23 GeV protons, reactor neutrons), if  normalised to 1 MeV neutron equivalent values (NIEL). In contrast to I FD and N eff there are almost no annealing effects (in isothermal annealing studies up to 80C). Correlated project: use all available methods: DLTS, TSC, PITS, PL,  recomb, FTIR, PC, EPR concentrate on single material (MCz chosen with possibility of std. FZ for checking of unexpected results. Use only one type of irradiation, most readily available (TRIGA reactor at Ljubljana) and do limited number of  steps between 1E+12 and 3E+16 n/cm².

11 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 0711   1MeV n) C-DLTSI-DLTSTSCPITSPL  recomb FTIRPCEPR 3E11 HH,Oslo, Minsk 6E11 HH,Oslo, Minsk 1E12 ITMEKC, ITME Vilnius 1E13 FlorenceHH, NIMPITMEKC, ITME Vilnius 3E13 HH, NIMPITMEKC, ITME Vilnius 1E14 FlorenceHH, NIMPITMEKC, ITME Vilnius 3E14 FlorenceHH, NIMPITMEKC, ITME Vilnius 1E15 FlorenceITMEKC, ITME VilniusOsloVilniusNIMP ITME 3E15 ITMEKC, ITME VilniusOsloVilniusNIMP ITME 1E16 ITMEKC, ITME VilniusOsloVilniusNIMP ITME 3E16 ITMEKC, ITME VilniusOsloVilniusNIMP ITME 150 samples n-MCz 1 kΩcm (OKMETIC, CiS): 84 diodes, 48 nude standard, 16 nude thick 1st WODEAN batch sample list

12 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 0712 Irradiations Date: November 2006 Delivery to Hamburg: 8 January 2007 Distribution to WODEAN members: 9 February 2007 Important Info about irradiations:  ≤ 1E+15 n/cm²: T ≈ 20°C, duration ≤ 10 min  ≥ 2E+15 n/cm²: high flux: d  /dt = 2E12 n/cm²s Temperature increase during irradiation 3E+15: t ≈ 25 min, temp. rising to 70-80°C within 15 min (then saturating) 1E+16: t ≈ 80 min, temp. 70-80°C 3E+16: t ≈ 4h, 10min, severe self anneal expected

13 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 0713   1MeV n) C-DLTSI-DLTSTSCPITSPL  recomb FTIRPCEPR 3E11 HH,Oslo, Minsk 6E11 HH,Oslo, Minsk 1E12 1E13 FlorenceHH, NIMPITMEKC, ITME Vilnius 3E13 HH, NIMP 1E14 FlorenceHH, NIMPITMEKC, ITME Vilnius 3E14 HH, NIMP 1E15 FlorenceITMEKC, ITME VilniusOsloVilniusNIMP ITME 3E15 ITMEKC, ITME OsloNIMP ITME 1E16 FlorenceITMEKC, ITME VilniusOsloVilniusNIMP ITME 3E16 ITMEKC, ITME OsloNIMP ITME 90 samples n-FZ, 2 kΩcm (Wacker, STM): 67 diodes, 24 nude thick samples; 2nd WODEAN batch sample list

14 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 0714 Irradiations Date: EarlyApril 2007 Delivery to Hamburg: foreseen 11 June 2007 Distribution to WODEAN members: foreseen end June 2007 Important Info about irradiations (as for 1st batch):  ≤ 1E+15 n/cm²: T ≈ 20°C, duration ≤ 10 min  ≥ 2E+15 n/cm²: high flux: d  /dt = 2E12 n/cm²s Temperature increase during irradiation 3E+15: t ≈ 25 min, temp. rising to 70-80°C within 15 min (then saturating) 1E+16: t ≈ 80 min, temp. 70-80°C 3E+16: t ≈ 4h, 10min, severe self anneal expected

15 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 0715 Hamburg, 08-May-2007 WORKSHOP ON DEFECT ANALYSIS WODEAN -RD50 internal project- I. Project Object The project is based on discussions during the first WODEAN meeting, which was proposed during the RD50 workshop at CERN, November 2005 and finally held in Hamburg, 24/25 August, 2006. The main object was to address the problem of defect generation in detector grade silicon using a variety of available techniques. By doing this in a correlated project it is hoped to get more insight in defect creation and a better understanding of their implications for the operability in extremely harsh radiation environments. Thus the main focus is set by the application of silicon detectors in the innermost tracking area of the future SLHC experiments, where accumulated hadron fluences of up to 1.5·1016 cm-2 (1 MeV neutron equivalent) have to be tolerated. Surveying the main effects of radiation damage for detector properties (reverse current increase, change of depletion voltage and reduction of the charge collection for traversing minmum ionizing particles), the latter effect was screened out to be most challenging. Indeed charge carrier trapping would ultimately limit the applicability of silicon detectors.

16 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 0716 II Project Outline Guide lines: Restrictions for the main objects such that results can be obtained within a reasonable time of 1 year with possible extension for a 2nd year. Common correlated project making optimum use of all available methods, intercomparability of obtained results (same material, identical irradiation, identical annealing steps etc.) As charge trapping is largely independent of the detector material, the project is restricted to MCz (magnetic Czochralski) and in a 2nd step to StFZ (standard float zone), both n-type As charge trapping after hadron irradiation is largely independent of particle type and energy (if fluence is NIEL normalised to 1 MeV neutrons), irradiations to be performed at the TRIGA reactor Ljubljana Maximum (1MeV neutron equivalent) hadron fluence expected in SLHC is 1.5·1016 cm-2. Irradiations should therefore cover a range from values usable for the most sensitive methods (DLTS) up to well above 1·1016 cm-2 in manageable steps. Methods for investigations: C-DLTS: Univ. Hamburg, Oslo, Minsk I-DLTS: Univ. Florence TSC: Univ. Hamburg, NIMP Bucharest PITS: ITME Warsaw PL: Kings College London, ITME Warsaw Lifetime: Univ. Vilnius FTIR: Univ. Oslo PC: Univ. Vilnius EPR: NIMP Bucharest, ITME Warsaw Detecor characteris. (C/V, I/V, TCT): CERN-PH, Univ HH, JSI Ljubljana

17 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 0717 Memberlist with affiliation: NIMP Bucharest: Sergiu Nistor, Ioana Pintilie (also guest in Hamburg Univ.) CERN-PH: Michael Moll Hamburg University: Eckhart Fretwurst, Gunnar Lindstroem, Ioana Pintilie (from NIMP) Florence University: Mara Bruzzi, David Menichelli JSI Ljubljana: Gregor Kramberger Kings College London: Gordon Davies Minsk University: Leonid Makarenko Oslo University: Bengt Gunnar Svensson, Leonid Murin (guest from Minsk) Vilnius University: Eugenius Gaubas, Juozas Vaitkus ITME Warsaw: Pawel Kaminski, Roman Kozlowski, Mariusz Pawlowski, Barbara Surma Needs to be updated!, Sergiu Nistor resigned, new members: Anfrey Aleev (ITEP)? III. Present Status A first batch of 120 different MCz samples (material from Okmetic; diodes and nude samples processed by CiS, 3 mm thick samples for FTIR and EPR from CERN) had been irradiated at the TRIGA reactor in November 2006 and distributed to the different collaborators. 11 irradiation fluences were chosen between 3·1011 and 3·1016 cm-2 with the smallest values for DLTS and the largest ones for EPR. A 2nd batch of FZ samples had been sent to Ljubljana and will be irradiated soon. First results on the measurements as well as an upgrade of the project program will be discussed in the 2nd WODEAN workshop scheduled on 2nd and 3rd June 2007 in Vilnius. A summary will then be presented on the following RD50 workshop.

18 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 0718 IV. Project Budget Proposal Total budget breakdown: Material-, processing, masks, special preparations: 35.000,- CHF Subcontracted analysis: 10.000,- CHF Total budget:45.000,- CHF Requested support from RD50 common fund: MCz- and FZ material: 5.000,- CHF Processing15.000,- CHF Analysis (SIMS, spreading resistance,…)10.000,- CHF Total requested support from RD50: 30.000,- CHF Contributions from WODEAN members: CERN-EP: 2.000,- CHF Florence University: 2.000,- CHF Hamburg University: 8.000,- CHF Oslo University: 3.000,- CHF All other Institutes: contributions in kind: Total contribution from WODEAN members:15.000,- CHF It is proposed that the finacial management for the RD50 support will be handled by the detector group, Institute for Experimental Physics, Hamburg University.

19 Gunnar Lindstroem – University of HamburgWODEAN workshop, Vilnius 02/03 June 0719 Finally Last changes to the application as internal project: accepted as is what did we learn: this meeting discussion about overview report for RD50 modifications for working program what else should be done with existing MCz samples, isochronal anneal! interchanging results inbetween workshops continuously next workshop date: end 2007 Changes to WODEAN member list: Diode characterisation: M. Moll (CERN-PH) included I-DLTS: D. Menichelli (Florence): observer (manpower problems) EPR: Sergiu Nistor (NIMP): observer (future participation possible)

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