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Democritus & Aristotle George Olvera Karina Garcia Cade Winquest Katy Blake.

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Presentation on theme: "Democritus & Aristotle George Olvera Karina Garcia Cade Winquest Katy Blake."— Presentation transcript:

1 Democritus & Aristotle George Olvera Karina Garcia Cade Winquest Katy Blake

2 Democritus 460 BCE- 370 BCE Know for formulation of atomic theory of the universe. Void has an equal right with reality. To be considered existent. Conceived the void as a vacuum and infinite space moved in an infinite number of atoms that made up being the physical world. Solid atoms are internal and invisible. Anything hard or cold. Soft or bitter, the only things that exist in reality are atoms. Ancient Greek philosopher. The void (space) is existent.

3 Aristotle 330 BC-322 BC Did not believe in the atomic theory. Believed all matter was made up of the earth (fire, water, earth, and air) Believed earth was the center of the universe. Developed the scientific method.

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