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Data Management GridPP and EDG Gavin McCance University of Glasgow May 9, 2002

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1 Data Management GridPP and EDG Gavin McCance University of Glasgow May 9, 2002

2 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance1/32 Overview Status of data management work Products delivered to 1.2 GDMP 3.0 Reptor: replica manager Spitfire Optor: grid simulation What’s currently available and future plans

3 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance2/32 WP2: Data Management Replication Replica catalogue Replica manager Query Optimisation* Grid replica optimisation Meta-data management* Secure, transparent access to meta-data Service discovery *Direct UK involvement Work is done within the EDG WP2 team (based in CERN)

4 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance3/32 General Status Deliverables on target Major software released for 1.2 UK manpower based at Glasgow: 2.5 RAs, Me, Will Bell, Paul Millar (50%) 1 PhD student, David Cameron 1 more student to come in September

5 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance4/32 File Replication Requires: replica catalogue or replica location service Keeps track of the mapping between logical file name and physical file names Requires: replica manager or replica management service High level tool to actually do the replication and manage what files are being replicated File-1 Paris Glasgow Chicago LFN

6 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance5/32 File Replication Current replication functionality provided by GDMP 3.0 – new for 1.2 release! Used for mirroring of storage elements Implements subscription based replication model with security, and updates the Globus replica catalogue

7 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance6/32 GDMP 3.0 1. Site ‘B’ subscribes to site A’s files 2. ‘A’ produces new file – ‘B’ will be notified of this 3. ‘B’ then starts transfer of new files from ‘A’ 4. Replica catalogue at ‘B’ is updated to reflect new file replica. Site ASite B

8 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance7/32 GDMP 3.0 Changes w.r.t. 2.* : New security model – host certificates Server delegation, i.e. accounts on SE not necessarily required Client-only install possible Basic space management Stand-alone server option ‘unsubscribe’ option

9 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance8/32 GDMP 3.0 status Final version of GDMP released for 1.2 For future, GDMP will be absorbed into the Replica Manager Service which will offer richer functionality SRPM, RPM, tarball, User Guide, Quick Config for EDG SEs:

10 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance9/32 Replica Location Service Current Globus replica catalogue is LDAP based To be replaced with new ‘GIGGLE’ framework Replica Location Service Joint EDG WP2 / Globus / PPDG project Trade-offs: global consistency, space, query / update overhead, reliability

11 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance10/32 RLS model… Reliable local state Relaxed global consistency Soft state updates to global index nodes permits graceful behaviour in face of network problems Secure access Implemented as web service

12 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance11/32 LRC RLI LRC Storage Element Storage Element Storage Element Storage Element Storage Element Hierarchical indexing. The higher- level RLI contains pointers to lower-level RLIs or LRCs. RLI = Replica Location Index LRC = Local Replica Catalog

13 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance12/32 Scalable, reliable LFN Namespace partitioned among RLIs Redundant RLIs for reliability Lossy compression Higher level RLIs may lose accuracy about mappings

14 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance13/32 RLS status Currently Alpha for developers location-service/RLS.html location-service/RLS.html New version will be progressively integrated with other replication software. Testbed deployment in September release

15 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance14/32 Replica Management Service Web Service under development (Reptor) Will absorb GDMP functionality and extend it Will use the Replica Location Service Two facets Core Replica Management API Optimisation API

16 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance15/32 Core Reptor API Similar to GDMP API registerEntry copyFile copyAndRegisterFile replicateFile deleteFile listReplicas

17 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance16/32 Interactions with SE Defined file types: Physical file attributeFile type Masterpermanent secondary copypermanent, durable or volatile.

18 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance17/32 RMS Current Status Testbed can use GDMP for 1.2 Defined Reptor API currently wraps the Globus Replica Manager Will be developed progressively Full version on testbed in September Technical reports: management/publications.html management/publications.html

19 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance18/32 Grid Query Optimisation Best place for a job? Joint WP1 / WP2 question… Approach: 2-Phase Optimisation: Phase 1: Find suitable CE for job execution given distribution of files it will access Phase 2: Re-optimise file access during job execution (due to dynamic nature of Grid, the resource status changes over time)

20 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance19/32 Optimisation API initFilePrefetch(LFN[], CE, protocol[], fraction) cancelFilePrefetch(LFN[], CE) getBestFile(LFN[], protocol[], fraction) getNetworkCosts(SE1, SE2, filesize, protocol) from WP7 getIOCosts(SE, PFN) from WP5

21 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance20/32 Grid Replica Optimisation Controlled intelligent replication to optimise grid over the longer term Collect getBestFile requests ‘Intelligence’ based on algorithms Test replication algorithms on data- centric grid simulator

22 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance21/32 Optor – replica optimiser simulation Simulate prototype Grid Input site policies and experiment data files. Introduce replication algorithm: Files are always replicated to the local storage. If necessary oldest files are deleted.

23 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance22/32 Optor first results Even a basic replication algorithm significantly reduces network traffic and program running times. New economics-based algorithms under investigation!

24 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance23/32 Meta-data Management Spitfire v1.1.0 delivered A grid enabled database service Grid enabled front end to any type of RDBMS Examples: Grid meta-data: replica catalogue, service registry Application meta-data: experimental data catalogues, calibration data

25 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance24/32 V1.1.0 XSQL Spitfire CURRENT (v1.1.0) is based on XSQL templates on the server, e.g. SELECT FILENAME FROM HFS_DATASET WHERE RNNO={@run} AND TRIGGER={@trig} AND STATUS={@stat} File URL =

26 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance25/32 V1.1.0 Spitfire client Any HTTP client – either your own app, or a web-browser form POST an HTML FORM to with parameters run=25555, trig=highlumi, stat=good The operation is made on the database, and the result send back to the client…

27 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance26/32 Security Mechanism Servlet Container SSLServletSocketFactory TrustManager Security Servlet Does user specify role? Map role to connection id Authorization Module HTTP + SSL Request + client certificate Yes Role Trusted CAs Is certificate signed by a trusted CA? No Has certificate been revoked? Revoked Certs repository Find default No Role repository Role ok? Connection mappings Translator Servlet RDBMS Request and connection ID Connection Pool

28 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance27/32 V1.1.0 V1.1.0 available for 1.2 release now! SRPM, RPM, tarball installation User / Admin / Quick Install guides

29 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance28/32 New spitfire client (dev) Users can use either this or v1.1.0 static (XSQL template based) functionality A database client API has been defined Will implement as grid service using standard web service technologies

30 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance29/32 Client side API to access remote database DB Admin Create(), Drop(), Alter() Table, Database DB Core functionality Insert(), Update(), Delete(), Select() DB Role admin Secure, role based authorisation DB Information Schema, Quotas, Disk space

31 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance30/32 Extra functionality To be developed.. Distributed querying Replication of meta-data Automated expiration and cleanup Discussions with UK DBTF and GGF Database Group

32 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance31/32 Service Index How do I find a specific grid service? E.g. replica location server, image database, information service XML Service description What, where, attributes, how to contact. Scalable architectures for querying this developed Service index web service W. Hoschek’s thesis and paper (WP2@CERN) API developed

33 GridPP, 9 May, 2002Gavin McCance32/32 More Info More information available at…

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