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Stage 2 Psychology Psychobiology of Altered States of Awareness (Overview)

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1 Stage 2 Psychology Psychobiology of Altered States of Awareness (Overview)

2 Overview (SSABSA Psychology Curriculum Statement 2004, p. 39) Although we are cognitive beings, we spend approximately one-third of our lives engaged in an activity about which we have few memories. Although we are social beings, this activity is solitary. Sleep lies towards one end of the continuum of human awareness. Towards the other end lie heightened states of awareness that result from arousal. Chronic arousal is referred to as stress and has a number of important adverse effects. Our mental and physical health is affected by the extent to which we are able to achieve a balance between reduced and heightened states of awareness.

3 Overview (SSABSA Psychology Curriculum Statement 2004, p. 39) The study of the biological basis of altered states awareness includes –Sleep –Dreams –Meditation and hypnosis –the effects of psychoactive drugs, and –arousal and stress. This topic focuses on two issues of particular relevance to young adults: –arousal and stress, and –sleep.

4 Overview (SSABSA Psychology Curriculum Statement 2004, p. 39) Although altered states of awareness can be addressed from all four levels of explanation of behaviour (biological, basic processes, person, and socio-cultural), this topic focuses on the biological level of explanation of behaviour.

5 Key Ideas (SSABSA Psychology Curriculum Statement 2004 p.39) Our level of awareness is constantly changing. Arousal can have both beneficial and deleterious effects. There are many effective ways to improve coping with stress.

6 Knowledge Circadian rhythms; sleep deprivation and sleep needs; stages of sleep; common sleep disorders; psychological and physiological arousal; the relationship between arousal and task performance; stress and its effect on health Areas of Learning (SSABSA Psychology Curriculum Statement 2004 p.39)

7 Understanding Psychological principles concerning altered states of awareness in everyday experiences and events (e.g. jet lag) psychological interventions (e.g. therapy for insomnia and seasonal affective disorder, coping with stress). Areas of Learning (SSABSA Psychology Curriculum Statement 2004 p.39)

8 Application social issues (e.g. the road toll, workplace accidents, poor health resulting from poor organisation of shift work) and/or personal growth (e.g. improving one’s own stress management, ‘sleep hygiene’). Investigation Designs and Methods of Assessing responses The investigation designs and methods of assessing psychological responses that are used to study altered states of awareness. Ethical Issues Ethical issues associated with research and applications in the area of altered states of awareness.

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