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Pablo Picasso.

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Presentation on theme: "Pablo Picasso."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pablo Picasso

2 Born October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Andalucia in Southern Spain

3 Los Padres Father – Don José Ruiz Mother- Doña María Picasso

4 Bullfight and Pigeons 1890 (age 9)

5 In 1895, Picasso moved to Barcelona with his family.

6 Science and Charity 1897

7 In October 1900, one of Picasso’s paintings was chosen for the World’s Fair in Paris.

8 Yo Picasso

9 Blue Period: Self-Portrait

10 Rose Period: Strolling Acrobats

11 The only person that Picasso considered competition was Matisse.
He was jealous of him because Matisse was considered the “King of Paris Art.” Matisse defied conventionalism, which Picasso wanted to do. Picasso wanted to be the greatest, most radical painter.

12 So, he painted “Las demoiselles d’avignon.
It had distorted faces and simplified lines. It linked tribal art and modern art. It was not accepted. He faced the painting to the wall and did not show it again for 10 years.

13 Cubism: The high point of Picasso’s originality
“Ma Jolie” Cubism showed that the world is a fragmentary place. Co-created cubism with Braque.




17 The Guitar Sculpture: Inspired by his girlfriend, Eva

18 February 4, 1921: The birth of his first child, Paolo
Paulo’s mother was Olga. 1935 – His mistress gave birth to his daughter, Maya. 1947- Francoise gave birth to Claude. 1949 – Francoise gave birth to Paloma.

19 “Guernica:” Picasso’s best known artwork

20 Self Portrait 1972 April 8, 1973: Picasso died.
His work still influences artists today.

21 How would you call this painting? Why?

22 Your Cubism Project Using card stock, cut out shapes in various colors. Glue these shapes to a full piece of cardstock to form an abstract representation of an everyday item.

23 Examples of Student Cubism Projects





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