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World Geography Jeopardy Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 10 20 30 40 50.

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Presentation on theme: "World Geography Jeopardy Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 10 20 30 40 50."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Geography Jeopardy Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Category 5 10 20 30 40 50

2 The Great Barrier Reef is?

3 The lastest coral reef in the world. The lastest coral reef in the world.

4 Why are many of the animals found in the region becoming endangered??

5 Deforestation/lost of habitat. Deforestation/lost of habitat.

6 What country was not colonized by foreign power?

7 Thailand.

8 Indonesia has the largest population of what in the world?

9 Muslims.

10 Brunei has what type of government, and what do they call the person in charge?

11 Monarchy and sultan. Monarchy and sultan.

12 1/3 of Australia is what?

13 Desert.

14 What are the two types of islands that can be found in this region?

15 Low and High Island. Low and High Island.

16 What are the four main religions in Southeast Asia?

17 Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism. Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism.

18 Name all the countries that colonized Southeast Asia?

19 Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, and U.S. Britain, France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, and U.S.

20 What is the ASEAN, and what does it do?

21 Association of Southeast Asian Nations; Cooperation socially, economically, politically. Association of Southeast Asian Nations; Cooperation socially, economically, politically.

22 What rank in land size is Australia? What rank in land size is Australia?

23 6th.

24 Most people from Australia can trace their ancestry to what country?

25 Great Britian. Great Britian.

26 New Zealand is divided into two parts called?

27 North Island & South Island. North Island & South Island.

28 What country is a City-State?

29 Singapore.

30 Southeast Asia can be divided up into two realms what are they?

31 Mainland and Insular. Mainland and Insular.

32 Southeast Asia is mainly made up of what two features?

33 Islands and Peninsulas. Islands and Peninsulas.

34 The Philippines what colonized by two countries, who were they?

35 U.S. and Spain. U.S. and Spain.

36 Australia is special because it is the only country to also be?

37 A continent. A continent.

38 What type of government does Australia and New Zealand have?

39 Parliamentary.

40 What country has a military government, and what has this done to the country itself?

41 Myanmar, made it one of the poorest countries in the world. Myanmar, made it one of the poorest countries in the world.

42 The insular region of Southeast Asia is only made of what two physical features?

43 Islands and Peninsulas. Islands and Peninsulas.

44 Where is the Great Barrier Reef located at?

45 Northeast Australia. Northeast Australia.

46 The Sydney Opera House was built to look like what?

47 Ship at full sail. Ship at full sail.

48 How many performance rooms are there in the building?

49 5 rooms. 5 rooms.

50 What are the names of two peninsulas that are in Southeast Asia?

51 Indochina and Malay. Indochina and Malay.

52 Final Jeopardy Why could the Great Barrier Reef be compared to a tropical rain forest?

53 It holds such a large amount of diverse life, and this is vary similar to that of a tropical rain forest diversity.

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