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Welcome to Team 6B’s Curriculum Night Team Teachers: Mrs. Harford Mrs. Perez Mr. Piscura Interventionist: Mrs. Corbo.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Team 6B’s Curriculum Night Team Teachers: Mrs. Harford Mrs. Perez Mr. Piscura Interventionist: Mrs. Corbo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Team 6B’s Curriculum Night Team Teachers: Mrs. Harford Mrs. Perez Mr. Piscura Interventionist: Mrs. Corbo

2 Comprehensive Literacy Program Reading Writing Word Study

3 Weekly Literacy Schedule Reading focus: Monday/Wednesday Writing Focus: Tuesday/Thursday Mixed Reading and Writing: Friday

4 Literacy: Reading Assessments -The Solon DRA2 -Quarterly Assessment Daily Schedule 1. Minilesson 2. Guided Reading Groups -or- Independent Reading 3. Read Aloud -or- Shared Reading

5 Literacy: Writing Daily Schedule 1. Minilesson 2. Guided Writing Groups -or- Independent Writing with conferences 3. Word Study Formative Assessment: -Rubric -Writing Handbook -Conference data Summative Assessment: -Midterm-Final

6 Word Study (Spelling) DSA (Diagnostic Spelling Analysis) Word Study Groups Word Sorts by generalization

7 Science Life Science Strand: Cellular to Multicellular Physical Science Strand: Matter Earth and Space Strand: Minerals, Rocks, Energy and Soils

8 Social Studies Introduction: Five Themes of Geography Unit 1: Early River Civilizations Unit 2: West Asia Unit 3: Africa Unit 4: East Asia Unit 5: Europe Unit 6: Australia The sixth grade year focuses on the geography of the world.

9 Science and Social Studies 3-Ring Binder Study Section Class Work Nonfiction Reading will be stressed. Assessments are the same format as last year. They are focused on understanding, NOT memorization. ***Use Mrs. Harford’s website when studying for assessments.

10 Science class is mostly hands-on so there is very little homework. When assignments are given they are usually in the form of note taking and studying for assessments.

11 Family Information System Family Information System

12 Technology NEW Chromebooks iPads Projectors Technology is used to enhance learning. It is never used in isolation.

13 Math College Preparatory Math is the new math series (CPM) Grade 6 is considered Course 1 Accelerated Math will be using books for Courses 1, 2 and 3 Solon Schools now uses CPM materials for all math classes, 6-12

14 Math CPM materials align to the new Common Core Standards These standards require students to take mid-year and end-year online tests of mathematics (not this year)

15 Math CPM organizes instruction using three principles: – Collaborative Learning – Problem-Based Learning – Spaced Learning

16 Math Assessments: – Check Point Quizzes – Team Assessments – Individual Assessments Individual Assessments determine the majority of each student’s grade in math

17 Math Homework (Review and Preview) Students will have homework every night Students in Accelerated Math will have two lessons of homework each night Students should check the answers to their homework on Class URL:

18 Math Students should attempt to answer each question If students are at the frustration level with homework, please just write a quick note or email about the assignment so that we can provide support for them at school.

19 Assessments Formative Assessments – Snapshots of ongoing learning, descriptive feedback provided Summative Assessments – Common Assessments are given at the end of each unit in all subjects. – You will receive a cover sheet (inventory) that shows the student's performance on each indicator and a final letter grade for that assessment. Parents are required to sign and return the inventory sheet regardless of the grade. This facilitates parent/student communication about school. – Ohio Achievement Assessment (OAA)

20 Grading Report Cards are sent home quarterly. Common Assessment grades make up the bulk of the report card grade. Homework is not counted in the final report card grade for each quarter.

21 Building Behavior Expectations Positive Behavior Support System Good Apples Team Rewards School Rewards Quarterly School Rewards

22 Negative Consequences Sign agenda for missing assignments or inappropriate behavior Call parents once student receives 3 signatures At five signatures student loses quarterly reward At eight signatures, student will be given an after school detention, which will be served in the cafeteria

23 New At eleven signatures, conference with student, parents, teachers, and administration

24 Reminder Please sign your child’s agenda page each weekend Early turn-in day: Monday DUE DATE: Tuesday




28 Reminder 1. Be sure to visit your child’s homeroom – Sign-up for our team parties. – Provide us with an email address 2. Take a moment and visit the DARE, Music, Art and PE teachers. 3.Consider volunteering to be an Orchard Tutor. 4. Visit the Spirit Wear table in the media center.

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