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Population EQ: Are there too many people in the world.

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Presentation on theme: "Population EQ: Are there too many people in the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population EQ: Are there too many people in the world

2  Do you think there are too many people at Kenwood, in Chicago, in Illinois, in the US, in the world? Why? Bell Ringer

3  Kenwood: 2000 (current)  Chicago: 2, 707, 120 (2011)  IL: 12, 869, 257 (2011)  US: 314,602,635 (current)  World: 7,046,505,219 (current) Population Statistics

4  Why do some places “feel” like there are too many people” (space, resources)?  TPS

5  The Earth can support seven billion people now and will be able to support any number of humans in the future. Read the following statements and move to one of the signs posted

6  Without reducing rapid population growth, it will be impossible to solve the world’s global challenges.

7  Arable land should never be used for housing, businesses, or other non-agricultural uses because we need all available farmable land to produce food.

8  Science and technology will ensure that food production and energy supplies keep up with the demands of a growing population.

9  In a real crunch, jobs are more important than environmental quality

10  If China and India can each take care of over a billion people on relatively the same size land as the U.S., then the U.S. should accept immigrants until it reaches a billion people as well.

11  Governments in countries with fast-growing populations should make laws to limit the number of children that couples can have.

12  All high schools should be prohibited from distributing contraceptives to students under the age of 18.

13  There is nothing I can do to help alleviate population pressures.

14  Even though I am only one person in seven billion, I still have a responsibility to keep the Earth healthy; what I do makes a difference.

15  tewide-redesign/ngm-7billion/ tewide-redesign/ngm-7billion/  billion/olson-photography billion/olson-photography 7 Billion-National Geographic

16  Do you think there are too many people in the world (or specific areas of the world)? Do you believe that the earth can support a growing population? Why/why not? What are some factors to consider when thinking about population growth and sustainability? Reflection

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