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Operation Contracts. Primary way to describe system behavior is with use cases Operation contracts provide more details in terms of state changes to objects.

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Presentation on theme: "Operation Contracts. Primary way to describe system behavior is with use cases Operation contracts provide more details in terms of state changes to objects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Operation Contracts

2 Primary way to describe system behavior is with use cases Operation contracts provide more details in terms of state changes to objects in domain model after system operation has executed  postconditions

3 Contract CO2: enterItem Operation:enterItem(itemID : ItemID, quantity : integer) Cross references:Process Sale use case Preconditions:There is a sale underway Postconditions:- A SalesLineItem instance sli was created (instance creation) - sli was associated with the current Sale (association formed) - sli.quantity became quantity (attribute modification) - sli was associated with a ProductDescription, based on itemID match (association formed)

4 Fig. 11.1

5 Format of Operation Contract Contract sections: –Operation – name and parameters –Cross References – use cases that apply –Preconditions –Postconditions

6 Operation Contracts Postconditions – describe changes in state of objects in the domain model including: Instances created and deleted Associations formed or broken Attributes changed

7 Operation Contracts Similar to use case but provides more detail Expressed in a declarative form not as an action Provide more detail on postconditions Postconditions expressed in past tense

8 Operation Contracts Guideline: How to create and write contracts: –Identify system operations from SSDs –Construct a contract for those system operations that are complex or subtle in their results –Describe postconditions using terms: Instance creation/deletion Attribute modification Associations formed/broken

9 Contract CO1: makeNewSale Operation:makeNewSale() Cross references:Process Sale use case Preconditions:None Postconditions:- A Sale instance s was created (instance creation) - s was associated with a Register (association formed) - Attributes of s were initialized

10 Fig. 9.27

11 Contract CO3: endSale Operation:endSale() Cross references:Process Sale use case Preconditions:There is a sale underway Postconditions:- Sale.isComplete became true (attribute modification)

12 Contract CO4: makePayment Operation:makePayment(amount : Money) Cross references:Process Sale use case Preconditions:There is a sale underway Postconditions:- A Payment instance p was created (instance creation) - p.amountTendered became amount (attribute modification) - p was associated with the current Sale (association formed) - The current Sale was associated with the Store (association formed)

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