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Long-term properties of Be/X-ray pulsars in the SMC

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1 Long-term properties of Be/X-ray pulsars in the SMC
Andry RAJOELIMANANA 1 , 2 ‏ Supervisor : Prof Phil CHARLES 1 , 2 Co-supervisor : Prof Brian Warner 1 1 University of Cape Town (UCT), 2 South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO)

2 Outline Introduction and Background Some results Summary
X-ray binary High Mass X-ray Binaries (HMXBs) Supergiant X-ray Binaries (SgrXBs) Be/X-ray binary (BeX) A (For Comparison) Some results Variation of outbursts amplitude. Orbital and super-orbital period correlation. Colour magnitude diagram of selected SMC BeX. Misalignment effect Optical spectroscopy of XMMU J (ATel #2771) Summary

3 X-ray Binaries ??? Degenerate primary ( a NS, or a BH)
1035 erg s-1 < Lx < 1039 erg s-1 LMXBs or HMXBs. Multi-wavelength objects: Gamma-ray : Inverse-Compton scattering X-ray : compact objects : NS or BH Optical : Primary star, and accretion disc Radio : Jets, synchrotron radiation

4 Supergiant X-ray binaries (SGXBs)
Early-type Supergiants + Compact object( NS or BH) Period ~ 3-15 d ‏ Circular orbits Persistent X-ray sources (Lx~1036 erg.s-1) Accretion from strong radiative stellar wind

5 Be/X-ray binaries (BeX)
Be Star + X-ray pulsar Transient X-ray sources (Lx~1037 erg.s-1) Wide and eccentric orbit (0.1<e<0.9) Accretion from the Be equatorial disc

6 A0538-66 : the archetypal BeX Porb : 16.65 days
Outbursts: during optical minima Psuper-orbital : ~ 421 days ( Be equatorial disk forms and disperses) MJD ( ) Alcock et al., 2001 McGowan & Charles, 2003

7 A : the archetypal BeX

8 MACHO + OGLE projects ~ 18 years
Data used - MACHO [ MAssive Compact Halo Objects] 1.27 m telescope Data available : from ( Alcock et al., 1996) - OGLE [ Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment] ( Udalsky et al,. 1997) 1.3 m Warsaw telescope Phase II : Phase III : Phase IV : First light on September 2009 MACHO + OGLE projects ~ 18 years

9 Results and findings

10 Long-term variations i > 90o - α i < 90o - α
(where α is the opening angle of the disk) i < 90o - α SXP : SMC X-ray Pulsar

11 V vs. V-R diagram of selected SMC BeX sources
Rajoelimanana, Charles & Udalski ., 2010

12 28 out of 31 sources show this behaviour.
V vs. V-R diagram 28 out of 31 sources show this behaviour. WHY ???

13 Inclination probability
P ( i < 90o- α ) = 1 – cos (90o- α ) P (i < 80o ) = 0.83 Assuming α ~ 10o 31 sources  4-5 sources with i > 80o Consistent with the number of source which get redder when fainter (3 sources) .

14 Outbursts amplitude vs. brightness
The strength of the outburst increases with the brightness of the source.

15 Variation of outbursts amplitude
Rajoelimanana, Charles & Udalski ., 2010

16 Outbursts profiles Double peaks Misalignment Supernova kick
Transient profile. Double peaks Misalignment Supernova kick (Brandt & Podsiadlowski, 1995)

17 Orbital and super-orbital period correlation
Linear correlation coefficient of 0.73 Shorter period : truncated at smaller radius Rajoelimanana, Charles & Udalski ., 2010

18 Optical spectroscopy of XMMU J115113.3-623730
Exposure: 1200 s SAAO 1.9m (Sutherland) Interstellar absorption  distance of 1kpc broad line widths and asymmetries  outflow or jets J. P. Hughes, P. Slane, B. Posselt, P. Charles, A. Rajoelimanana, R. Sefako, J. Halpern, and D. Steeghs, 2010, Atel #2771

19 Summary 19 super-orbital periods
compiled and updated their orbital periods (36 orbital periods) . Brightness increases with Colour (MACHO ‘blue’ – ‘red’) for i < 90o - α The outbursts amplitude vary with the brightness of the source. outbursts profiles : - faster rise, slower decline - double peaks (misalignment, from asymmetric supernova kick) Optical spectroscopy of XMMU J  V Sagittae stars 

20 Thank you

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