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Children a a a and war. Goal To introduce the present generation with the young heroes of the Second World War.

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Presentation on theme: "Children a a a and war. Goal To introduce the present generation with the young heroes of the Second World War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children a a a and war

2 Goal To introduce the present generation with the young heroes of the Second World War

3 The history didn't know a war as The Great Patriotic War. It was one of the most destroying and aggressive war. Million people were killed during the Second World War

4 The heroes of Komsomol members and pioneers defended our country from fascism, they fought with envies in the partisan's groups, worked in the rear.

5 The young hero Matrosov Alexander (1924-1943). The hero of the USSR. He was the ordinary of a shooting regiment. 27.02.1943 he took part in the battle near the village Cheryomushki and was killed there. Matrosov Alexander (1924-1943). The hero of the USSR. He was the ordinary of a shooting regiment. 27.02.1943 he took part in the battle near the village Cheryomushki and was killed there.

6 Don't forget … Kotik Valya (1930- 1944). He was the young partisan of the Second World War, the hero of the USSR. The youthful scout of the partisan group. He perished in the battle. Kotik Valya (1930- 1944). He was the young partisan of the Second World War, the hero of the USSR. The youthful scout of the partisan group. He perished in the battle.

7 Don't forget … Smirnov Yura (1925- 1944). The hero of the USSR. He was the young sergeant. He was wounded and fascists took his in a captivity. After a long torture he was killed. Smirnov Yura (1925- 1944). The hero of the USSR. He was the young sergeant. He was wounded and fascists took his in a captivity. After a long torture he was killed.

8 Don't forget … Golikov Lyonya(1926- 1943). The youthful partisan of the Second World War. The hero of the USSR. He was a scout and was killed in the battle. Golikov Lyonya(1926- 1943). The youthful partisan of the Second World War. The hero of the USSR. He was a scout and was killed in the battle.

9 How many persons think that The Second World War was the frightful war in the history? 5% in the future 10% at the present day 35% in the middle centuries 50% it was the most violence war

10 Conclusion The soviet people fulfilled their international duty to the peoples of the world, they saved humanity from the threat of fascism

11 It was done by Nikulina Yana the student of 11 A form.

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