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Applied Genetics SWBAT define selection; differentiate between selective breeding and crossbreeding; define genetic engineering; describe some current.

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Presentation on theme: "Applied Genetics SWBAT define selection; differentiate between selective breeding and crossbreeding; define genetic engineering; describe some current."— Presentation transcript:

1 Applied Genetics SWBAT define selection; differentiate between selective breeding and crossbreeding; define genetic engineering; describe some current uses of clones and cloning; differentiate between identical and fraternal twins

2 Selection Selective breeding Inbreeding Breed
Man chooses the organisms with the most desirable traits to breed with hopes that the offspring will have the same traits. Inbreeding A form of selective breeding that involved mating an organism with its close relative, or in the case of plants with itself Breed A group of organisms that have certain purebred, desirable traits.

3 Selective Breeding Activity
You have received a corn plant. On the back is the genetic code for its height and the number of ears of corn. Choose another plant that you want to cross yours with to produce the best possible offspring You may NOT see the genetic information when choosing. After you have chosen, create 2 Punnett squares to determine the possible offspring. Discuss – what made this difficult?

4 Crossbreeding Crossbreeding Hybrid vigor
A method of breeding organisms from different varieties to produce offspring that have traits from both parents Hybrid vigor When crossbreeding leads to offspring that are stronger than their parents

5 Genetic Engineering Genetic engineering
Use of special techniques to control the genetic makeup of an organism What are some benefits of genetic engineering? Stronger organisms, faster growing organims What are some potential problems in genetic engineering? Mistakes could create super viruses, or plants could grown too well and become a weed problem

6 Facets of Genetics: Clones, Clones, Clones, Clones
What is a clone? A group of genetically identical organisms that were produces by asexual reproduction What is the difference between identical and fraternal twins? Identical twins are natural human clones (they have the same genetic material). A fertilized egg splits into two different eggs and both mature. Fraternal twins are created when 2 two different eggs are fertilized, creating two individuals with different genetic material What spiritual considerations need to be taken when cloning humans? Morally it goes against the designed human reproduction.

7 Human Genetic Engineering
What 2 things do we need to consider when talking about human genetic engineering? Humans are different from all other organisms, we were made in God’s image, and do not have dominion over other humans. We have the God given ability to learn, gain knowledge and direct our lives. We are responsible for our decisions Take some time to think about the ethical and moral questions human genetic engineering would create. Do you think that God approves of it? Why or why not?

8 Facets of Genetics: The Human Genome Project
Scientists are studying the chromosome pairs in humans to match the genes to the traits they control. This could lead to new ways of fighting disease. What kind of moral and ethical issues does this bring up?

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