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Presentation on theme: "Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome

2 Teacher’s Acquaintance
Md. Shamsuddin ID- 24 Senior teacher Taltola Mohila Alim Madrasah Chatkhil, Noakhali

3 Subject : English Second Paper
Class :six Subject : English Second Paper English Second Paper

4 Foot ball Cow Place Nazrul

5 Afridi Table pen flower

6 Learning outcome By the end of the lesson, students will be able to –
i) Identify the noun. ii) classification of noun. iii) use of noun.

7 Noun and its classifications
Title of the lesson Noun and its classifications

8 Classification of noun:
Material Noun Oil, Water, Rice Rahim, Azim,abdul

9 Noun is firstly classified into two groups :
Countable Un countable Apple Karim Muslim Rice Sugar Oil

10 Proper noun Karim Dhaka Sonargaon

11 Common Noun : Student : Sohel, Salma etc. Teacher : Sir, Madam etc.
Player Nation Child : Sohel, Salma etc. : Sir, Madam etc. : Sakib,Nasir etc. : Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist etc. : Male child, female child

12 Collective Noun : class

13 Meeting

14 Material Noun Oil Chalk Water Sugar

15 Abstract Noun : Idea Knowledge : Education : Information :

16 Group work : 1. How many kinds of noun?
2. Give 5 examples of collective noun?

17 Individual work : A) He is a doctor. B) I have a cow.
1. Identify the noun from the sentence. A) He is a doctor. B) I have a cow. C) My mother is a housewife. D) Nazrul is our national poet. E) Knowledge is power.

18 Evaluation : 1. What do you mean noun? 2. Tell the kinds of noun?
3. Give two examples of common Noun?

19 Make two sentence for each
Home work : Make two sentence for each noun.

20 Thank you all

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