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外研版 初中一年级 ( 下 ) Module 4 Unit 2 Module 4 Life in the future Unit 2 Everyone will have a small car.

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2 外研版 初中一年级 ( 下 ) Module 4 Unit 2

3 Module 4 Life in the future Unit 2 Everyone will have a small car.

4 life in the future calculator cable TV chalk ruler cell phone satellite paper no one farm 生活,生命, 在将来 计算机 有线电视 粉笔 直尺 移动电话 卫星电视 纸 没有人 农场

5 weather wind cheap fuel expensive so short get warm rough spring autumn 天气 风 便宜的 燃料 昂贵的 因此,所以 短暂的,短 的,矮的, 变暖和 有暴风雨的 春天 秋天

6 heavy rain strong comfortable heat machine dull job free climate technology transport 大雨,暴雨 强壮的, 舒适的, 加热 外国的 去观光 去购物 去骑自行车 外出

7 difficult weak smooth uncomfortable dream summer winter 海洋 妻子 厨师, 做饭 到达 外国的 去观光 去购物 去骑自行车 外出

8 plan revise for have a picnic test walk up look forward to granddaughter plane do some sightseeing culture beach 计划,打算 为 …… 复习 在野餐 测验 沿 …… 走 期待 ( 外 ) 孙女 飞机 游览, 观光 文化 海滩, 海滨

9 sea wife cook get to foreign go sightseeing go shopping go cycling go out 海洋 妻子 厨师, 做饭 到达 外国的 去观光 去购物 去骑自行车 外出

10 go fishing go shopping go sightseeing go swimming go skating go skiing go boating go cycling 去钓鱼 去购物 去观光游览 去游泳 去滑冰 去滑雪 去划船 去骑自行车

11 check my email have a piano lesson get up early go to a party revise for my test stay in bed do my homework buy some clothes



14 Betty Daming 1. What is Daming going to do on Saturday morning? Saturday morning? 2. What is Betty going to do on Saturday afternoon? Saturday afternoon? He is going to check his email and do his homework. She is going to buy some clothes.

15 Task 1: Page 3 Activity 4 Choose the correct answers. Choose the correct answers.

16 Be going to 该结构用来表达打算做某事,计划 做某事或者有意做某事。 该结构用来表达打算做某事,计划 做某事或者有意做某事。 I’m /He’s / She’s / It’s / We’re / You’re / They’re going to … Page 3 Activity 5 Listen and repeat.

17 at the weekend, tomorrow, next week(month, year), in 2006,

18 Task 2 Page 3 Activity 7 Work in pairs. Work in pairs. Ask and answer to complete the diary. Ask and answer to complete the diary.

19 plan sea revise for wife have a picnic cook test get to walk up foreign look forward to granddaughter plane go cycling do some sightseeing culture beach go out Summary New words

20 Be going to

21 Task 3 Ask your partner what he or she is going to do at the weekend. is going to do at the weekend. Then make notes.

22 Homework Write a passage about your partner’s plans at the weekend.

23 What are you going to do on Saturday morning? On Saturday morning, I’m going to …

24 Page 6 Activity 2 Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box.

25 Module 1 Plans Unit 2 We are going to walk up the Great Wall.

26 1.I’m going to have a picnic next week. 2.You’re going to listen to music this afternoon. 3.He is going to check his email this evening. 4.She is going to check her email at the weekend. 5.It is going to rain tomorrow. 6. We’re going to go to a new school next year. 7. They’re going to play football next month.

27 Page 5 Activity 2 Lucy, Lucy, Hong Kong Helen, Helen, New York Li, Wuhan Li, Wuhan What are they looking forward to?

28 Page 5 Activity 3 Match the questions with the answers.

29 Page 112 language notes Page 5 Activity 4 Answer the questions. Use the words in the box.

30 1. What is Betty’s uncle going to do next week? 1. What is Betty’s uncle going to do next week? He’s going to enjoy the sun and the sea. He’s going to enjoy the sun and the sea. Why is he going to enjoy the sun and the sea. Why is he going to enjoy the sun and the sea. Because he has got a holiday. Because he has got a holiday. 2. What are Daming’s grandparents going to do tomorrow? to do tomorrow? They are going to stay at home. They are going to stay at home. Why are they going to stay at home? Why are they going to stay at home? Because they want to watch TV. Because they want to watch TV.

31 3. What is Tony’s sister going to do tonight? She is going to visit friends. She is going to visit friends. Why is she going to visit friends? Why is she going to visit friends? Because she has got a party. Because she has got a party. 4. What is Lingling’s mum going to do this evening? this evening? She is going to go to the theatre. She is going to go to the theatre. Why is she going to go to the theatre? Why is she going to go to the theatre? Because she likes concerts. Because she likes concerts.

32 Thank you! Good bye!

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