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1 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 OOJava course materials – what happened during last year? M. Ivanovic, K. Bothe.

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Presentation on theme: "1 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 OOJava course materials – what happened during last year? M. Ivanovic, K. Bothe."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 OOJava course materials – what happened during last year? M. Ivanovic, K. Bothe

2 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 2 AGENDA 1.SubProject site – current state 2.Collected material from Berlin 3.Collected material from Novi Sad 4.Threads by Ioan, Timisoara 5.Further steps and Conclusion

3 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 3 SubProject site – current state

4 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 4 SubProject site – current state

5 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 5 SubProject site – current state

6 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 6 SubProject site – current state

7 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 7 SubProject site – current state

8 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 8 SubProject site – current state

9 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 9 SubProject site – current state

10 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 10 AGENDA 1.SubProject site – current state 2.Collected material from Berlin 3.Collected material from Novi Sad 4.Threads by Ioan, Timisoara 5.Further steps and Conclusion

11 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 11 Collected material from Berlin Berlin prepared English versions of some important topics 1.Basic Concepts of Object-Orientation: Objects, Classes, Abstract Data Types 2.Objects and Classes: Additional Useful Features 3.Inheritance, Polymorphism, Dynamic Binding 4.Exception handling 5.Interfaces 6.Event handling 7.Threads & Processes 8.MouseMaze With appropriate examples (sources).

12 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 12 Collected material from Berlin My task was:  Deeply and critically (having in mind wishes of Novi Sad students) analyze slides (presentations) and prepare report with suggestions for improvements, additional slides, examples, …  Up to now we have students opinions and some suggestions but did not make changes

13 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 13 AGENDA 1.SubProject site – current state 2.Collected material from Berlin 3.Collected material from Novi Sad 4.Threads by Ioan, Timisoara 5.Further steps and Conclusion

14 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 14 Collected material from Novi Sad  Serbian Java book,  Preparation started 5 years ago  Has been improving and enhancing from year to year  Published in October 2005  200 copies, freely distributed to students (Tempus project)

15 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 15 Collected material from Novi Sad  Topics, presentations for Java course prepared according to Serbian Java book  Serbian and English versions of presentations – slides  Further improvements are necessary – division of some topics in smaller units (especially 4.)  Current situation 1. Program Structure in Java (SE) 2. Primitive Data Types (SE) 3. Statements (SE) 4. Referential data types (SE) 5. Exception handling (S, in preparation) 6. Applets (S, in preparation)

16 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 16 1. Program Structure in Java 1.1 Java Program Basic Elements 1.2 Example of some small Java Program 1.3 Java Program Structure

17 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 17 2. Primitive Data Types 2.1 Importance of Data Types 2.2 Boolean Data Type 2.3 Integer Data Types 2.4 Real Data Types 2.5 Operators on Primitive Data Types

18 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 18 3. Statements 3.1 Block 3.2 Empty Statement 3.3 Expression Statement 3.4 Conditional Statements 3.5 Iteration Statements 3.6 Labelled Statement 3.7 break Statement 3.8 continue Statement 3.9 return Statement

19 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 19 4. Referential data types 4.1 Classes, Objects, Overloading, Static fields and methods Inheritance, Constructors,Polymorphism, Dynamic binding, Modifiers 4.2 Interfaces, Usage of interfaces, Multiple Inheritance, Interface Inheritance 4.3 Arrays, Arrays and Classes, Multidimensional Arrays 4.4 Operators on referential types

20 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 20 5. Exception handling 5.1 try statement, throw statement 5.2 User-defined Exception Handling 5.3 User-defined Generation of Exceptions

21 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 21 6. Applets 6.1 Getting started with applets, JFrame, JApplet classes, AWT, Swing 6.2 Drawing and Event Handling 6.3 Components, Containers, Layout Managers 6.4 Events and Listeners 6.4 Overview of Different Swing Components

22 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 22 AGENDA 1.SubProject site – current state 2.Collected material from Berlin 3.Collected material from Novi Sad 4.Threads by Ioan, Timisoara 5.Further steps and Conclusion

23 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 23 Threads by Ioan, Temisoara  Topic for 2 nd year students  More difficult for students then Klaus’ presentation  Experiment results – part of another presentation

24 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 24 AGENDA 1.SubProject site – current state 2.Collected material from Berlin 3.Collected material from Novi Sad 4.Threads by Ioan, Timisoara 5.Further steps and Conclusion

25 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 25 Conclusion  The main impression is that the major goal of the Berlin course is to offer a student a clear overview of the OOP using Java  NS course goal, on the other hand, is to deeply involve students with the Java programming language specifics

26 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 26 Conclusion  Berlin teaching material More interesting Much more easy to follow Put stress on the difference between OOP and other programming paradigms Clearly shows the difference between Java and Pascal, C Introduces some basic data structures, like stack  NS teaching material More compact Student is forced to struggle with terminology Put stress on the Java programming language specifics More detailed Students prefer this way of presentation  Most of them like to minimize home work

27 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 27 Source code in Berlin Students in Berlin get the source code of the Java examples in advance.  They can run the program before the lecture.  In that way, the slides did not contain the source code in all details.  Students are expected to bring along the printed source code to the lecture.  This concept, however, is not so easy to accomplish in a lecture. Conclusion: The opinion of the students of Novi Sad is right: It is easier to have all information (source code) collected in one presentation file.

28 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 28 General Conclusions Opinion of Novi Sad students  Students need more explanations -they expect more details, examples – with a lot of code.  Animations and effects are good, but the fact that there isn’t enough code on slides, makes slides less worthy that they maybe should be.  The lectures should have more examples and appropriate source code because it’s much closer to students for understanding.

29 6th Workshop "SEERE", Ravda, 18-23 September 2006 29 Further steps - General Idea about Course Material  Seems that Berlin and Novi Sad are most interested in preparation of joint material.  Prepare a collection of different topics and concepts (just language, emphasize on OO design and style of programming, advanced topics, some real complex applications,…). Use different versions of the same topics (members of project - Berlin, Novi Sad, Temisoara, Belgrade, Skopje,…, available Internet material) For specific topic make mixture – pick different parts of different presentations – determine responsible person  Prepare complete materials for various stiles of courses Too difficult and time consuming, almost impossible Real solution: Every lecturer can prepare his/her own course based on available pool of different topics (lecturer can make specific selection)

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