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Weather: Lesson 23 Wind Vane

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1 Weather: Lesson 23 Wind Vane
Expectations: 1. Listen carefully 2. Work hard 3. Be responsible

2 Review: Wind is air moving in nature.
Wind can be rated on the Beaufort Scale from no wind, 0, to storm force winds, 12. Wind is helpful by assisting in pollination, the flight of birds, and providing wind power. Wind is just one factor in weather.  We know weather is the condition of the atmosphere.

3 Weather: Weather occurs everyday, everywhere and is the condition of the atmosphere at a given time. Many factors contribute to weather such as how hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, or clear or cloudy it is.   Weather changes over time and can be measured. Meteorologists study weather and use tools to measure and make predictions.

4 Wind: What have you learned about wind?
How can you tell what direction the wind is blowing? Is it always coming from the same direction? Today we will learn about a tool that helps tell us about the wind.

5 Wind Vane: A weather tool, also called a weather vane.
Tells us what direction the wind is coming from (or blowing). The arrow will point to the direction the wind is blowing from. Wind direction is where the wind is blowing from. East wind is blowing from the east.

6 Weather prediction: The wind vane is an important tool for predicting weather. The wind brings us our weather.  We can predict which way a storm will blow, or if the weather will change. Why else would knowing the direction of the wind be helpful? Sailing, flying a kite, watering plants, building windmills or wind turbines.

7 Who uses wind vanes? Meteorologists
Farmers Sailors Pilots Firefighters 

8 Practice: Match the picture to the correct wind direction: East wind
South wind North wind West wind

9 What we have learned: Knowing the direction of the wind is important to many people and for predicting the weather. The wind direction means which way the wind is blowing from. The instrument used to tell the direction of wind is called a wind vane, or weather vane.

10 Assignment:  Draw two people that could use a wind vane in the job.  Explain in two or more sentences why knowing the direction of the wind would be helpful to each person. Think about people in your life, who has a job that uses wind direction? Do you know any farmers, sailors, kite makers, or other windy jobs?

11 I had fun learning and working with you today!
Keep your eyes open, scientist!  I will see you next lesson.

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