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Cameron Meiron HUMAN RIGHTS #5 NO TORTURE. NO TORTURE All people should be treated right and in a humane way. No one should be treated inhumane, cruel,

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Presentation on theme: "Cameron Meiron HUMAN RIGHTS #5 NO TORTURE. NO TORTURE All people should be treated right and in a humane way. No one should be treated inhumane, cruel,"— Presentation transcript:


2 NO TORTURE All people should be treated right and in a humane way. No one should be treated inhumane, cruel, or degraded. Because of this right, people can't be punished cruelly or unusual.

3 Mercy is forgiveness towards someone who is being punished or harmed. compassion is showing sympathy toward someone with misfortunes. LACKING OF COMPASSION AND MERCY TOWARD OTHER HUMANS.

4 A person’s character is their values and morals that resemble who they are. We have the right to our character because that’s what makes us who we are and how we live. NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE STRIPPED OR REMOVED OF THEIR CHARACTER.

5 Cruel punishment is to Willfully cause pain to someone, while feeling no concern about it. Unusual punishment is to give someone a punishment that is not commonly occurring. NO ONE SHOULD ENDURE CRUEL OR UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT.

6 All people are the same regarding their race or religion ALL PEOPLE SHOULD BE TREATED THE SAME WITH NO CRUELTY OR TORTURE.

7 These are the reasons that torture is not a good thing, and should not be embraced. Would you have second thoughts about torture? THE END

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