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Distributed Computing Peer to Peer Computing Chapter 10: PEER TO PEER SYSTEMS.

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1 Distributed Computing Peer to Peer Computing Chapter 10: PEER TO PEER SYSTEMS

2 What is peer-to-peer (P2P) computing?  Webster definition  Peer: one that is of equal standing with another  Computing between equals

3 Intro to P2P Systems  The scope of expanding popular services by adding to number of the computers hosting then is limited when all the host must be owned & managed by the service provider  Administration and fault recovery costs  Bandwidth that can be provided to a single server  Major service provider all face this problem with varying severity

4 Intro to P2P Systems  P2P application that exploit resources available at the edges of the internet  Storage, content, cycles, human presence  Traditional client-server provide access to these but only on single machine or tightly coupled servers  This centralized design required few decisions about placement & management of resources  In P2P -- algorithm for the placement and subsequent retrieval of information objects are a key aspect of the system design. It’s a system which is  Fully decentralized & self organizing  Can dynamically balance the storage and processing loads between all the participating computers as they join and leave

5 P2P Design Characteristics  Their design ensures that each user contributes resources to the systems  Although they may differ in the resources that contribute, all the nodes in a peer to peer system have the same functionality capabilities and responsibilities  Their correct operation dose not depend on the existence of any centrally administered systems  They can be designed to offer a limited degree of anonymity to the providers and users of resources  Key issues for the their efficient operation is the choice of algorithm for placing and retrieving data on many hosts  Balance of load  Availability without much overhead  Participants availability to system is unpredictable

6 Evolution of P2P  Can be grouped in three generations  First generation – Napster music exchange service [OpneNap 2001]  Second generation – file sharing applications with greater  Scalability, anonymity & fault tolerance  Guentella, Kaza, Freenet  Developed with help of middleware layers  Application independent management of distributed resources on a global scale  E.g. pastry, Tapestry, CAN, CHORD, JAXTA  Provide of delivery of request of delivery of request in a bounded number of network hops  Place replicas of resources, by keeping mind volatile availability & trustworthiness, locality

7 Cluster, Grid, P2P: Characteristics CharacteristicClusterGridP2P PopulationCommodity Computers High-end computersEdge of network (desktop PC) OwnershipSingleMultiple DiscoveryMembership Services Centralised Index & Decentralised Info Decentralized User ManagementCentralisedDecentralised Resource managementCentralizedDistributed Allocation/SchedulingCentralisedDecentralised Inter-OperabilityVIA based?No standards yetNo standards Single System ImageYesNo Scalability100s1000?Millions? [@Home] CapacityGuaranteedVaries, but highVaries ThroughputMediumHighVery High Speed(Lat. Bandwidth)Low, highHigh, Low

8 Example P2P Applications  SETI@home  Napster  Gnutella  FastTrack

9 SETI@home SETI@home uses the National Astronomy and Ionospheric Center's 305 meter telescope at Arecibo, Puerto Rico. A screenshot of the SETI@home client program. 2.4 mil volunteers as of Oct. 2000

10 Distributed computation  Usage & Exploitation best example  SETi@home (Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence)  Portions a steam of digitized radio telescope data into 107 second work unit, each about 350KB, distribute them on clients computer  Work unit is redundantly distributed to 3-4 users, to guard against errors & bad nodes  Coordination work is handled by a single server  T3.91 million PCs participated in this by 2002  In one year they processed 221 million work units, data worth 27.36 teraflops on average

11 Napster  Centralized  MP3 file sharing  Clients/Peers hold the files  Servers holds catalog and broker relationships  Clients upload IP address, music file shared, and requests  Clients request locations where requests can be met  File transfer is P2P – proprietary protocol

12 Napster & its Legacy Napster: peer-to-peer file sharing with a centralized, replicated index

13 Napster & its Legacy  Architecture included centralized index servers, main reason for defeat in lawsuit  Anonymity of receiver & provider  Lessons learned from napster  Feasible to develop a large scale P2P service  It can scale the resource to meet the need, based on locality  Limitations  Consistency between replicas was not strong, but for music this requirement is not much strong  Index server for accessing the resource was a bottleneck

14 Gnutella  Completely decentralized – no servers with catalogs  Shares any files  Gnutella node ---- SERVENT  Issue the query and view search result  Accept the query from other SERVENTs and check the match against its database and response with corresponding result

15 Gnutella (cont)  Joining the network:-  The new node connects to a well-known SERVENT  Then sends a PING message to discover other nodes  PONG message are sent in reply from hosts offering connections with the new node  Direct connection are then made

16 Gnutella (cont)  Searching a file:-  A node broadcasts its QUERY to all its peers who in turn broadcasts to their peers  Nodes route back QUERYHITS along the QUERY path back to the sender containing the location detail  To download the files a direct connection is made using details of the host in the QUERYHIT message

17 Gnutella (cont)  Gnutella broadcasts its messages.  To prevent flooding -TTL is introduced.  To prevent forwarding same mesg. twice - each servent maintains a list of recently seen mesg.

18 Gnutella (cont) GnuCache A User A connects to the GnuCache to get the list of available servents already connected in the network GnuCache sends back the list to the user A User A sends the request message GNUTELLA CONNECT to the user B User B replies with the GNUTELLA OK message granting user A to join the network User A connects to the GnuCache to get the list of available servents already connected in the network GnuCache sends back the list to the user A User A sends the request message GNUTELLA CONNECT to the user B User B replies with the GNUTELLA OK message granting user A to join the network B D C F GE H J I (1)(2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (2)

19 Gnutella (cont)  Typical query scenario:-  A sends a query message to its neighbor, B  B first checks that the message is not an old one  Then checks for a match with its local data  If there is a match, it sends the queryHit message back to user A  Else B decrements TTL by 1 and forwards the query message to users C, D, and E  C, D, and E performs the same steps as user B and forwards the query message further to users F, G, H, and I

20 Gnutella (cont)  Problems  Broadcast mesg. congests the network  Lost of reply packets (dynamic environment)

21 FastTrack  Hybrid between centralized and decentralized  Has 2 tiers of control:-  Ordinary nodes that connect to super nodes in a centralized fashion  Super nodes that connect to each other in a decentralized manner

22 FastTrack (cont)

23  Joining the network? - Bootstrapping node  Querying?  Problems (Like Gnutella)  Broadcast mesg. between Super Nodes  Lost of reply packets

24 Some key issues  Scalability  Networks can grow to millions of nodes  Challenge in achieving efficient peer and resource discovery  High amount of query/response traffic  Availability  Potential for commercial content provision  Such services require high availability and accessibility  Anonymity  What is the right level of anonymity?

25 Some key issues (cont)  Security  Due to open nature, have to assume environment is hostile  Concerns include:  Privacy and anonymity  File authenticity  Threats like worms and virus  Fault Resilience  The system must still be able to function even though several important nodes goes off-line.

26 Some key issues (cont)  Standards and Interoperability  Lack of standards lead to poor interoperability between applications  Can be improved by using common protocols  Copyright / Access Control  Classic case of Napster being shut down  Other applications have learned to get around the law  Possibility of paid access in future

27 Some key issues (cont)  Quality of Service (QoS)  Metrics to be used is not clearly defined  Tradeoff between achieving QoS and costs  Complexity of Queries  Must be able to support query languages of varying degree of expressiveness  Simple keywords to SQL-like searches  Search Mechanism  Different search algorithms are used to reduced search time and maximize search space

28 Some key issues (cont)  Load Balancing  existence of hot-spots (overloaded nodes) due to:  uneven node distribution throughout logical space  uneven object distribution among nodes  uneven demand distribution among objects  query and routing hot-spots  Self-organization  Ability to adapt itself to the dynamic nature of the Internet  Depends on the architecture of the system

29 P2P Middleware - GUID  Resources are identified by Global Unique Identifier GUID  Derived from secure hash  HASH makes a resource self certifying  Client receiving the resource can check the hash  This requires that states of resources are immutable  P2P systems are inherently best suited for the storage of immutable objects – music file, images  Mutable objects sharing can be managed by set of trusted servers to manage the sequence of versions e.g Oceanstore, Ivy – more in section 10.6

30 Overlay routing vs IP routing

31 Peer to Peer to Middleware  Key problem in p2p application design: “Provide mechanism to enable clients to access data resources quickly & dependably whenever they are located throughout the network”  Napster used a unified index  2nd generation p2p file systems like Gnutella & Freenet employ portioned & distributed indexes, but the algorithm used are specific to each system

32 P2P Middleware  P2P Middleware are designed specifically for placement & subsequent location of the distributed objects managed by different p2p systems  Functional Requirements  Simplified construction of distributed services  Locate resources and communicate with resource provider & consumer  Add & remove resources at will anytime  API for the p2p programmers  Non Functional Requirements  Global Scalability  Load Balancing  Optimization for local interaction between neighboring peers  Accommodating to highly dynamic host availability  Security of data in an environment with heterogeneous trust  Anonymity, deniability and resistance to censorship

33 Routing Overlay  In P2P we cannot maintain the database at all the client nodes, giving the location of all the resources  Resource location knowledge must be partitioned and distributed  Each node is made responsible for maintaining  detailed knowledge of the locations of nodes and objects in a portion of the namespace  As well as general knowledge of the topology of the entire name space  High degree of replication of this knowledge is necessary to ensure dependability in the face of the volatile availability of hosts and intermittent network connectivity.

34 Distribution of information in a routing overlay Routing overlay takes the responsibility for locating nodes and objects

35 Routing Overlay  Ensures that any node can access any object by routing each request through a sequence of nodes, exploiting knowledge at each of them to locate the destination object  It also maintains the knowledge of location of all the replicas of the object and deliver request to nearest live node  GUID used to identify nodes and objects are an example of pure name “opaque identifier”  It dose not reveal identity of the location of the object

36 Tasks of Routing Overlay  Main task of Routing Overlay  Client wishing to invoke an operation on an object submits a request including the object’s GUID to the routing overlay, which routes the request to a node at which a replica of the object resides  Other task of Routing Overlay  Node wishing to make new object available to a P2P service computes a GUID for the object and announces it to the routing overlay, which then ensures that the object is reachable by all other clients.  When clients request the removal of the object from the service the routing overlay must make them unavailable.  Nodes may join or leave the service, when a node joins the service, the routing overlay arranges for it to assume some of the responsibilities of other nodes. When a node leaves its responsibilities are distributed amongst the other nodes.

37 Basic programming interface for a distributed hash table (DHT) as implemented by the PAST API over Pastry  put(GUID, data) The data is stored in replicas at all nodes responsible for the object identified by GUID.  remove(GUID) Deletes all references to GUID and the associated data.  value = get(GUID) The data associated with GUID is retrieved from one of the nodes responsible for it.

38 Basic programming interface for distributed object location and routing (DOLR) as implemented by Tapestry  publish(GUID) GUID can be computed from the object (or some part of it, e.g. its name). This function makes the node performing a publish operation the host for the object corresponding to GUID.  unpublish(GUID) Makes the object corresponding to GUID inaccessible.  sendToObj(msg, GUID, [n]) Following the object-oriented paradigm, an invocation message is sent to an object in order to access it. This might be a request to open a TCP connection for data transfer or to return a message containing all or part of the object’s state. The final optional parameter [n], if present, requests the delivery of the same message to n replicas of the object.

39 Overlay Case Study: Pastry  All the nodes & objects are assigned 128-bit GUIDs  For nodes:  For nodes: computed by applying a secure hash function to public key of the node  For objects:  For objects: computed by applying a secure hash function to the objects name or some part of its stored state  Resulting GUIDs are randomly distributed in the range 0 to 2 128 -1  Provide no clue how these values are computed and clashes between GUIDs for different nodes or objects are extremely unlikely, still pastry can detect & mange this unlikely event  In a network with N participating nodes the Pastry algo will correctly route a message addressed to any GUID in O(log N) steps  If GUID identifies a node which is active, message is delivered to that node otherwise delivered to a active node with closet numeric GUID

40 Pastry  Routing steps involve the use of an underlying transport protocol (normally UDP) to transfer the message to a Pastry node that is closer to its destination  Closeness in pastry refers to an entirely artificial space – the space of GUIDs  Real transport of message across internet between two pastry nodes may require lots of IP hops.  For better path option, pastry uses locality metric on network distance in the underlying network (hop count, two way latency) to select appropriate neighbors when setting up the routing tables used at each node  Pastry id fully self organizing  New nodes get info form neighbors to construct the table  Nodes can detect the absence of the node and can update the table

41 Pastry: Routing Algo  Explanation in two stages  Stage 01: simplified form of the algo which routes messages correctly but inefficiently without a routing table  Stage 02: full routing algo which routes request to any node in O(log N) messges

42 Figure 10.6: Circular routing alone is correct but inefficient Based on Rowstron and Druschel [2001] The dots depict live nodes. The space is considered as circular: node 0 is adjacent to node (2 128 -1). The diagram illustrates the routing of a message from node 65A1FC to D46A1C using leaf set information alone, assuming leaf sets of size 8 (l = 4). This is a degenerate type of routing that would scale very poorly; it is not used in practice.

43 Pastry: Routing Algo  Each pastry nodes maintain a tree structured routing table giving GUIDs and IP addresses for a set of nodes spread through out the entire range of 2 128 possible values, with increased density of coverage for GUID numerically close to its own  Fig 10.7 shows the structure of the routing table  Fig 10.8 illustrate the actions of the routing algorithm

44 Routing tables  are structured as  GUIDs are viewed as hexadecimal values & tables classifies GUIDs based on their hexadecimal prefixes  Tables has as many rows as there are hexadecimal digits in a GUID, so for our prototype there are 128/4 = 32 rows  Each row contains 15 entries

45 Figure 10.7: First four rows of a Pastry routing table

46 Figure 10.8: Pastry routing example Based on Rowstron and Druschel [2001]

47 Figure 10.9: Pastry’s routing algorithm

48 Pastry’s routing algorithm  Algo will succeed in delivering the message M to its destination cuase lines 1,2 & 7  They perform action as described in stage 01  The remaining steps are designed to improve the alogrithm’s performance by reducing the numbers of hops required

49 Host Integration  Node compute GUID  Contact near by node – address of nearby node ??  X is the new node sends join request to A  A will dispatch the join as normal message to numerically nearest node of X, using Pastry algo. Let that node is Z  A, Z and all the nodes (B, C …) through which the message was routed to Z  Add relevant part of their RT and leaf sets to X  X examines these leaf sets and construct its own routing table & leaf sets  Can request some other nodes for additional info  X’s leaf set node should be very much similar to Z leaf set  Once X RT is constructed it send its leaf set and RT entries, info to other nodes are other nodes to update their RT

50 RT updates  Node failure or departure  Node is considered failed when its immediate neighbors are unable to contact  Node which discovers the failure of the node, looks for the next nearest live node, and request for its leaf set  This leaf set will contain the overlapping info of failed node leaf set. Discovering node will choose the best node from this leaf set to replace the failed node.

51 Self study  Locality  Fault tolerance  Dependability – MS Pastry  Evaluation of MS Pastry

52 Thanks Dr. Raihan! remember & keepup ur promise

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