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Literary Themes, Devices, & Poetry Literary ThemesLiterary DevicesPoem AnalysisSong Lyrics Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Literary Themes, Devices, & Poetry Literary ThemesLiterary DevicesPoem AnalysisSong Lyrics Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Literary Themes, Devices, & Poetry Literary ThemesLiterary DevicesPoem AnalysisSong Lyrics Analysis

2 Order Literary device How used in the story Allegory Alliteration Analogy Hyperbole Irony Metaphor / simile Oxymoron Paradox Personification Satire Anthropomorphism Control (or lack of) over destiny Different device than listed above Literary Devices

3 STORY Order Evidence of the theme in story Explanation Triumph of good over evil Inherent goodness of man Evil that lurks within Human response to trauma Search for one’s destiny Relationship to one’s culture The price of love Grappling with mortality Price of war / peace Romance / courtship Search for significance Competence v. Incompetence Pride v. GuiltCircle of life Control (or lack of) over destiny Developing spirituality Different theme than listed above

4 Is like Is the speaker comparing things or saying what something is like? How? Speaker (when reading the poem, who is the speaker?) Tone How does the speaker seem to feel about the subject of the poem Symbolism Do objects or things in the poem represent other stuff? How? Theme What’s the message about life in this poem? Is about… POEM

5 Is like Is the speaker comparing things or saying what something is like? How? Speaker Who is the speaker in the lyrics (don’t confuse with the person singing)? Tone How does the speaker seem to feel about the subject of the song? Symbolism Do objects or things in the song represent other stuff? How? Theme What’s the message about life in this song? Is about… SONG

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