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Presentation on theme: "Professions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professions

2 Unscramble the words heecatr corotd ctabaro noclw rakbe refmar marnfie
nesur teacher doctor acrobat clown baker farmer fireman nurse

3 Match the words and the sentences
a teacher a doctor a policeman a clown a postman a dancer a fireman a baker a dentist a pupil He bakes bread. He works in a circus. He takes care of our teeth. He fights fires. She studies at school. He delivers letters. She gives pupils homework. He helps sick people. He protects people. She works in a theatre. Answers: 1g 2h 3i 4b 5f 6j 7d 8a 9c 10e

4 Fill in the blanks. am is are My sister … a nurse. You … a baker.
They … engineers. I … a fireman. My parents … doctors. Tom and John … pilots. He … a good farmer. We … students. His father … a policeman. I … a clown. is are

5 Correct the sentences. True or false
Doctors teach children. A nurse helps doctors. A pilot drives a car. A farmer works on a farm. Teachers work at school. A fireman brings letters. Workers bake bread. A programmer fights fires. Dancers work in the hospital. Clowns work in the circus. Teachers teach children. A nurse helps doctors. A driver drives a car. A farmer works on a farm. Teachers work at school. A postman brings letters. Bakers bake bread. A fireman fights fires. Doctors work in the hospital. Clowns work in the circus.

6 Guess the professions Who works in a field? Who works with computers?
A farmer Who works in a field? Who works with computers? Who helps sick animals? Who helps children to learn? Who takes pictures of famous people? Who makes new cars? Who flies in a spaceship? Who helps doctors? Who flies in airplanes? Who can play tricks? A programmer A vet A teacher A photographer An engineer An astronaut A nurse A pilot A clown

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