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Domain C3 Encouraging students to extend their thinking.

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Presentation on theme: "Domain C3 Encouraging students to extend their thinking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domain C3 Encouraging students to extend their thinking

2 How this paper is set up Intro-introduce the topic Explain the parts and reasons for independent, creative, critical thinking Describe how to stimulate independent, creative, critical thinking Conclusion

3 Why is this so important The more chances students have to figure out problems and obstacles in school, the more it will help them in the future. Students will learn to ask and think deeper into a problem or lesson whenever they learn something new! Teachers encourage students to develop and have confidence in their own ability to think independently, creatively, and critically.

4 Why should students extend their thinking? Stretch their thinking beyond low-level thinking tasks because it can be monotonous and sometimes boring Example: Memorizing and taking notes Lessons should include ways for students to be independent, creative and critical thinkers instead

5 Find examples of these: Independent Thinking Creative Thinking Critical Thinking

6 What NOT to do Teacher requires questions that require only yes or no answers Teacher does not allow “wait time” after asking questions Teacher does not accept new ways to complete a task Teacher does not encourage sharing thoughts/comments Teacher does not allow students to work together

7 Conclusion Extended thinking requires thinking It helps students to recognize the relationship between skills or techniques Students will gain the ability to analyze situations and apply relevant learning to the “real world”

8 What’s due next time C3 Final Copy ANY PAPERS YOU HAVE MISSING Supplies to work on competition entries MONEY from donation dots (I forgot about them!...hopefully you did not!) Resume Information

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