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Doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda February 2014 Rich Kennedy, self IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC DRAFT Teleconference Plan and Agenda Date: 2014-02-13 Authors:

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1 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda February 2014 Rich Kennedy, self IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC DRAFT Teleconference Plan and Agenda Date: 2014-02-13 Authors:

2 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 AgendaRich Kennedy, self Abstract This presentation is the plan for the February 13, 2014 IEEE 802.11 Regulatory Standing Committee teleconference. February 2014

3 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda Assign a recording secretary Administrative items ITS / DSRC coexistence Tiger Team update Globalstar NPRM update(?) LTE-U discussion Other regulatory updates AOB Rich Kennedy, self February 2014

4 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda Administrative Items Required notices –Affiliation FAQ - –Anti-Trust FAQ - –Ethics - –IEEE 802.11 Working Group Policies and Procedures - and-procedures.doc and-procedures.doc Chair and Secretary –Chair is Rich Kennedy (self) –Peter will act as Recording Secretary Please send an email to the addresses below to have your attendance recorded – – Rich Kennedy, self February 2014

5 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda February 2014 Rich Kennedy, self SC Operating Rules Anybody can vote, present, and make motions Participation in SC during 802.11 WG Plenary or Interim counts towards 802.11 voting rights All motions must pass by a 75% majority

6 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings l All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. l Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. l Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. l Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. l Technical considerations remain primary focus l Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. l Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. l Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object. --------------------------------------------------------------- See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. Rich Kennedy, self February 2014

7 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda Introduction Purpose –Improve the working relationship between the technical experts and the regulatory specialists, especially when it comes to critical technical issues Scope –The group will review new regulatory changes or impending changes affecting 802.11 standards –Each meeting will focus on the most critical issue at the time Critical Issue Focus –Direct impact on IEEE 802.11 current and future standards –Response/Input deadlines –Coordination with IEEE 802.18 (RR-TAG) –Coordination with the Wi-Fi Alliance Outputs from this group must go through 802.18 Rich Kennedy, self February 2014

8 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team What should be the outcome from the group? –Set of coexistence requirements for 802.11 in the 5 GHz band with ITS safety of life and property communications in the 5.9 GHz band –Form a group to provide a formal interface to other organizations in the automotive industry, NHTSA, DOT and other ITS players What is the required milestone timeline –Dependent upon the FCC et al, progress on the rollout of the standards, technologies and laws –Outcome of experiments prior to rulemaking; proof of concepts –CAMP/DOT testing and validating Updates from Los Angeles –FCC letter approved by 802.18 and ExCom –Sent to FCC (Julius Knapp) on 2/6/14 February 2014 Rich Kennedy, self

9 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda ETSI ERM TG11 and ETSI BRAN BRAN –Adding additional measures to ensure DFS cannot be bypassed TG11 –New test methodology to simplify that in EN 300 328v1.8.1 –Heard a proposal from the Industrial Automation industry to add a “Central Control Point” to the 2.4 GHz band Analysis not complete (802.11b-only) Will bring completed version in February –Wi-Fi and Bluetooth industries responded with questions and concerns with the IA proposal February 2014 Rich Kennedy, self

10 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda Globalstar NPRM Proceeding IB Docket 13-213 NPRM FCC 13-147 Released November 1, 2013 Still not published in the Federal Register –More than 100 days so far –Is there a reason why it has not been published? February 2014 Rich Kennedy, self

11 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda LTE-U Discussion RAN TSG#63 will review in March We should prepare a position statement –For any FCC action –For liaison to RAN63 or 64? February 2014 Rich Kennedy, self

12 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda Other Regulatory Updates First R&O in 5 GHz bands changes expected 1H14 –Re-open 5600 to 5650 MHz with firmware security –Extend U-NII-3 to 5850 MHz (was 5825) –Possibly U-NII-1 band as well 60 GHz onboard aircraft to be considered ETSI ERM TG11 –EN 300 328 v1.9.1 to be ready to start approval process in February –Plan to have it ready for voluntary use by January 1, 2015 5 GHz bands in China February 2014 Rich Kennedy, self

13 doc.: IEEE 802.11-14/0240r0 Agenda Any Other Actual Business Plan going forward –Continue DSRC Coexistence TT; IEEE 802.18 and ExCom approvals required –Response to Globalstar NPRM –Follow ETSI ERM and BRAN –5 GHz band activities –TV bands auctions –Other Geo-location database opportunities –Other dynamic spectrum allocation work Dyspan meeting in April 1 – 4 in McClean, VA –My plans February 2014 Rich Kennedy, self

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