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Cur·so·ry Pronunciation: \ ˈ kərs-rē, ˈ kər-sə-\ Function: adjective Etymology: Late Latin cursorius of running, from Latin currere Date: 1601 1: hasty.

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Presentation on theme: "Cur·so·ry Pronunciation: \ ˈ kərs-rē, ˈ kər-sə-\ Function: adjective Etymology: Late Latin cursorius of running, from Latin currere Date: 1601 1: hasty."— Presentation transcript:

1 cur·so·ry Pronunciation: \ ˈ kərs-rē, ˈ kər-sə-\ Function: adjective Etymology: Late Latin cursorius of running, from Latin currere Date: 1601 1: hasty and usually superficial; quick a cursory check : hastyhasty synonyms see superficialsuperficial

2 cur·tail Pronunciation: \( ˌ )kər- ˈ tāl\ Function: verb Etymology: by folk etymology from earlier curtal to dock an animal's tail, from curtal, noun, animal with a docked tail, from Middle French courtault — more at curtalcurtal Date: 1580 1: to make less by or as if by cutting off or away some part synonyms see shortenshorten


4 dain·ty Pronunciation: \ ˈ dān-tē\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English deinte high esteem, delight, from Anglo- French deinté, from Latin dignitat-, dignitas dignity, worth Date: 14th century 1 a : something delicious to the taste b : something choice or pleasing

5 daunt Pronunciation: \ ˈ do ̇ nt, ˈ dänt\ Function: transitive verb Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French danter, daunter, from Latin domitare to tame, frequentative of domare — more at tametame Date: 14th century 1: to lessen the courage of : cow, subduecowsubdue synonyms see dismaydismay

6 daw·dle Pronunciation: \ ˈ do ̇ -dəl\ Function: verb Etymology: origin unknown Date: circa 1656 1 : to spend time idly 2 : to move lackadaisically 3: to spend fruitlessly or lackadaisically synonyms see delaydelay After informing the president that the country was under terrorist attach. The president did not act for 7 minutes while he listened to the reading of My Pet Goat.


8 de·ba·cle Pronunciation: \dē- ˈ bä-kəl, di-, - ˈ ba-; ÷ ˈ de-bə-kəl\ Function: noun Etymology: French débâcle, from débâcler to clear, from Middle French desbacler, from des- de- + bacler to block, Date: 1802 1 : a great disaster b : a complete failure : fiascofiasco Hurricane Katrina: The Debacle

9 de·co·rum Pronunciation: \di- ˈ ko ̇ r-əm\ Function: noun Etymology: Latin, from neuter of decorus Date: 1568 1 : propriety and good taste in conduct or appearance 2 : orderlinessorderliness

10 de·cree Pronunciation: \di- ˈ krē\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French decré, from Latin decretum, from neuter of decretus, past participle of decernere to decide, from de- + cernere to sift, decide — more at certaincertain Date: 14th century 1. An authoritative order having the force of law. 2. Law The judgment of a court of equity, admiralty, probate, or divorce.


12 de·cry Pronunciation: \di- ˈ krī, dē-\ Function: verb Etymology: French décrier, from Old French decrier, from de- + crier to cry Date: 1614 1 : to depreciate (as a coin) officially or publicly 2 : to express strong disapproval of

13 defer Pronunciation: \di- ˈ fər\ Function:verb Etymology: Middle English deferren, differren, from Middle French differer, from Latin differre to postpone, be different — more at differdiffer Date: 14th century 1 : put off, delayput offdelay 2 : to postpone induction of (a person) into military service




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