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Committee On Online Learning COOL! Chabot College.

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Presentation on theme: "Committee On Online Learning COOL! Chabot College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Committee On Online Learning COOL! Chabot College

2 What We Do: We generate quality online education for our students and fellow faculty We support all faculty who propose new and continuing online courses for our college. We provide Student Online Orientations. We maintain compliance with Title 5 regulations for online courses.

3 And We Also… We offer workshops and training in how to create online courses and in online instruction. We train faculty in how to evaluate online courses. We Blog about significant issues in online education.

4 How our Process Works: We review each written online proposal and provide thorough feedback for each proposal. We nurture each new online instructor through an in- person online course demonstration. We make sure that each instructor who teaches online feels confident. We make sure that each instructor understands the necessity of full-contact instructional hours for our learners.

5 Our Top 5 Goals for Fall 2010: To facilitate greater student success in online classes. Focus on teaching practice online and distribute great online teaching ideas to the college. To research both current trends and coming trends in technology that our students use! To reevaluate our review process so that it is more accessible and meaningful to all faculty. To continue to pursue a fully online degree for our working students.

6 When and Where The COOL Meet: We meet every 1 st and 3 rd Tuesday of each month. Noon-1:00PM Room 1506 Today’s Meeting: Room 1609

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