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Reading By Mr. Wang March 29, 2005 She said helping others changed her life. Section 1 Before You Read Think of people who need help. People who need.

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2 Reading By Mr. Wang March 29, 2005

3 She said helping others changed her life. Section 1 Before You Read Think of people who need help. People who need helpSomething we can do for them Old peopleWe can clean their home. The kids Your classmates The poor

4 2004 年度 " 感动中国 " 人物徐本禹

5 2004 年度 " 感动中国 " 人物徐本禹 这个普通的农家子弟、 22 岁的华中农业大 学 2003 届本科毕业生徐本禹,近日已被提名 为央视 “ 感动中国 ” 人物 20 名候选人之一。 大二那年,徐本禹来到贵州山区一个名叫 狗吊岩的地方。因为他在报上看到:那个至今 水电不通的村子里有着许多渴求上学的孩子。 在那个不通公路、不通电话、晚上只能点油灯 照明、寄信要走 18 公里崎岖山路的地方,他孤 身一人支教,一呆就是好几年 ……





10 Discussion: What ’ s the matter with these children? What could they do? What should we do?

11 Section 2 While You Read Put the words into the correct space as you read. A) world B) brothers C) changed D)agreed E)mountains F) different CEDFBA

12 Section 3 After You Read 3a What is life like for you and Yang Lei’s students? Young Lei ’ s studentsYou HometownMountain village in Gansu Province Food Teachers Time to get up Time to finish studying Porridge volunteers 5 am 11 pm

13 Section 3-3b Ask and answer 1. What did Yang Lei ’ s mother say about her daughter ’ s volunteer work? 2.What did the children say about their volunteer teachers? 3.How did Yang Lei say she could help? 4.What did Yang Lei say about her time as a volunteer?

14 Underline some key phrases 1. (P1,L1) Sound like fun to sb. 2. (P2,L1) A new experience for sb. 3. (P2,L2) Above sea level 4. (P2,L2) Thin air 5. (P2,L2) Make sb.feel sick P=paragraph 段落, L=line 行数

15 6. (P2, L4) Both … and … 7. (P3, L3) Between … and … 8. (P4, L2) Do anything about … 9. (P4, L3) Open up one ’ s eyes to … 10.(P4, L4)Be a good influence in P=paragraph 段落, L=line 行数

16 Section 4 Dicussion GroupsThe work they do GreenpeaceCares for “ Mother Earth ” Doctors without borders Helps sick people in sick countries. UNICEF ( the United Nations Children's Fund ) Helps children in poor countries. WWF (World Wild Fund) Cares for wild animals in danger.

17 Homework Review the whole unit Get ready for the test Do P33 3b,3c in written form Preview Unit 5

18 Now, it’s time for me to relax! Thank you and Goodbye!

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