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Drupal for client Maria Sherskova skype: sherskova.

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Presentation on theme: "Drupal for client Maria Sherskova skype: sherskova."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drupal for client Maria Sherskova skype: sherskova

2 What will be discussed  How do the job site easier for the end user. Obvious solutions.  Instructions for the client or manager.  What else we can do to improve service.

3 It looks like Drupal admin panel...... for the developer... for the client

4 We make websites for end users  Client  Site manager, content manager  SEO specialist  Owner of an Internet project

5 Creating and editing content  Simplify allows particular fields to be hidden from the user interface  Wysiwyg  One click upload allows upload files in one click (for BUEditor and CKEditor)  Plupload widget to upload multiple files

6 Protect content from deletion  Autosave automatically saves a snapshot of your content type form using AJAX  Node edit protection will alert a user if they are navigating away from a modified Node Edit form without saving  Save & Edit adds a button titled "Save & Edit" on node

7 Working with the site menu  Simplified Menu Administration merging the "List links" and "Edit menu" operations into a single administration page  Menu Editor enhances the menu editing form with inline text fields for title, path and description, and provides placeholders for new items  Multi-path autocomplete changes some input field for entering paths to an autocomplete text field  Content Menu intergation of content authoring and menu management

8 Create usefull dashboard  Default dashboard  Total Admin Control creates a default panel page with useful administration tools

9 Roles and permissions  Don’t use UID=1 for publishing  Specific roles and permissions for managers

10 Instructions for the client A page with a description of all necessary actions in the admin section

11 What we need to consider?  create, edit, delete content (note features of different node types);  using site menus;  work with taxonomy;  creating, editing and deleting translations (for multilingual sites);  moderation of content and comments;  user management;  SEO - editing and setting paths, meta tags, tags for images and other necessary actions to optimize the content  etc

12 Place your contacts

13 Make your service better  Production check & Production monitor Monitor the status of client sites  Caching and Bandwidth optimization compress css/js, enable caching  Offer help and advice even if the client did not ask for this

14 Why should we do all this work? 1. It does not take much time. 2. It’s real help to client. 3. Client loyalty. 4. The ability to sell additional services.

15 Questions?

16 Skype: sherskova Maria Sherskova

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