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Effort Reporting Updates, Deadlines, and Open Lab Sessions Commitment Accounting/Effort Reporting Users Group Meeting September 14, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Effort Reporting Updates, Deadlines, and Open Lab Sessions Commitment Accounting/Effort Reporting Users Group Meeting September 14, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Effort Reporting Updates, Deadlines, and Open Lab Sessions Commitment Accounting/Effort Reporting Users Group Meeting September 14, 2015

2 Changes to the Effort System The A-21 button will been renamed. From To

3 Changes to the Effort System When an effort term is officially closed in the effort system, you will no longer be able to access the Effort Records in the normal path: – Main Menu > Effort Reporting > Effort Certification > Certify Effort You will have to pull these reports with the below path – Enterprise Reporting > Access Reporting > Human Resource Information > Workforce Information > Effort Reporting > Effort Certification


5 Change to Commitment System When a term is officially closed in the system, you will no longer have access to make adjustments to the commitment on that closed term.

6 Change to Commitment System You will no longer be able to open a new committed sequence on a closed project.

7 Closing an Effort Term The below effort terms will be closed and not accessible. Notification will be sent as each term is closing to notify everyone of this change: – Summer 2011, Spring 2012, Summer 2012, Fall 2012, Spring 2013, Summer 2013 It is not expected that effort would be recertified for one of these terms once they are closed. The plan in the future will be to close an effort term when opening a new one. – For example, when opening Fall 2015, we will work to close Fall 2013


9 Reminder - Academic Activity Reporting There are examples that were created to help guide staff on which employee record to choose. These examples are listed on this website: analysis/effort-certification/ analysis/effort-certification/

10 Reminder - Academic Activity Reporting Note – If you have your AAR coordinator make a change to a course, to correct an issue, the effort report will get recreated and wipe out all allocations on that record. It is the way the system is able to correct the courses that are listed on that effort report.

11 Verify Information Before Submitting!  Are the Commitments Correct?  Including Cost Sharing?  Commitment Is Entered Appropriately  Is payroll charged correctly?  Are the courses listed appropriately?  Is effort allocated based on how time is spent for the term?  Not how it was planned or based on payroll.

12 Outstanding Effort Records Any outstanding effort that still remains is now considered past due. Emails will be sent out on Wednesday, September 30 th for any Spring 2015 outstanding effort records. – If you need assistance contact us and we will be happy to work with you to get it resolved,

13 Reminder Pay attention to the comment bubble at the top of an effort record. If a Employee denies an effort record back to you, they will be required to input a comment.

14 Reminder Also, if Cost Analysis denies the record or releases a new one for re-certification, we will identify why.

15 Reminder - Commitments Be sure to double check that the commitment is entered properly. – Is it a Direct Charge Commitment? If Yes, then it should be in the Direct Charge row. – Is it a Cost Sharing Commitment? If Yes, then it should be in the Cost Sharing row.

16 Proxy Requests Effort should be certified by the Employee or PI, but if a proxy needs to be added it must be someone with suitable means of verification, who has first-hand knowledge and can validate the effort allocation. This is usually: – A department chair, dean, or center director – The individual’s direct supervisor – The lab manager of where the research is being conducted.

17 Proxy Requests When you do have to request a proxy, they are not automatically approved in they system. Proxy is Requested by Dept Proxy is reviewed by Cost Analysis Cost Analysis will approve or deny the request If proxy is approved, it will send the approver an email the next day

18 Proxy Requests Proxies are reviewed twice daily for approvals. If you request a proxy after 4:00pm, it most likely will not get approved until the next day. If Cost Analysis has questions regarding your proxy request, you will receive an email from our office asking for more information or explaining why the proxy request is being denied.

19 Proxy Requests Because proxies are approved, please make sure that you include a good comment in the proxy request. A period, for example, is not a good comment.

20 Released Recertification If Cost Analysis releases an effort record for recertification, you have 30 days to complete the certification process from the day it is released.

21 Don’t Ignore the Effort Emails If you continue to receive effort emails from the system, then there is something outstanding for your department. Don’t wait until the score card comes out to investigate!

22 Effort Website analysis/effort-certification/ analysis/effort-certification/ Need assistance! Our website is updated to help answer questions!


24 Summer 2015 Deadlines Opening Summer 2015 Term – This is for ER Year = 2015, ER Period = 3 – Will begin Opening on Friday, September 25 th Effort Allocated by Effort Coordinator & Saved – Friday, October 9 th Effort Submitted for Certification – Friday, October 23 rd Effort Certified by Employees – Friday, November 6 th

25 Open Lab Session Thursday, October 22 nd – HR Room 119 – 1:00pm – 4:00pm

26 Questions?

27 Contact Us! Cost Analysis – 392-5778 – Contracts & Grants – 392-1235 OIPR (Office of Institutional Planning & Research) – Armando Ramirez -

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