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® Best Practices when Developing with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Paul T. Calhoun / CTO, NetNotes Solutions Unlimited, Inc. BP202.

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2 ® Best Practices when Developing with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Paul T. Calhoun / CTO, NetNotes Solutions Unlimited, Inc. BP202

3 3 Your Presenter – This Is Me! Paul T. Calhoun Chief Technology Officer NetNotes Solutions Unlimited Paul Calhoun, ND 6,7 and 8 PCLI and PCLP, is a highly rated speaker who provides customer-focused knowledge transfer and consulting to Fortune 100 and 500 companies, as well as many SMBs. Paul currently builds Domino, Web, Java, and XML applications for his customers using Domino, Portlet Factory and WebSphere. He co-authored the IBM Redbook “XML Powered by Domino,” and has developed several online XML and Java programming courses. He has written articles for both “The View” and “The Sphere” technical publications.

4 4 Agenda  So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory ?  Installing Portlet Factory  Creating Projects  Creating Models  Testing and Deploying Models  Portlet Factory Development  Wrap up

5 5 Agenda  So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory ?  Installing Portlet Factory  Creating Projects  Creating Models  Testing and Deploying Models  Portlet Factory Development  Wrap up

6 6 So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory  The Portlet Factory Described in 50 words or less… The IBM Portlet Factory is a Rapid Application Development environment that allows for the creation of Web Applications and Portlets without having to write any code. These applications can then be massively customized to provide different user experiences with the use of profiled input.

7 7 So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory  Terminology  Portlet Factory – The application design environment enabled as a plug in to IDE’s like Rational and Eclipse  Factory Project – Top level container for Portlet Factory elements (Models, supporting HTML, XML, CSS files)  A project can contain “N” number of models  Model – Container for all application functionality represented as an XML structure of the complete Web Application  Models are made up of Builders  Builder – Component that provides specific application functionality to the Model  Profiling – The ability to dynamically alter the Application at runtime  Profile Sets – Container for the dynamic values that alter the Application at runtime  Profile Entry – Specific profiled builder input

8 8 So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory  Creates WEB APPLICATIONS that can be PORTLET enabled very easily  Designer client that plugs into existing IDE’s  Rapid Application Development Environment  Zero Code Development  Portlet Factory generates ALL the code for you  No, you CAN NOT alter the GENERATED code  No, to the best of my knowledge, you will never be able to modify the generated code  Allows for the MASSIVE customization of applications via PROFILING at runtime

9 9 So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory  Applications are deployed as standard JEE WAR files  To the Web Application Server  To the Portal Server  All necessary code is deployed with the WAR file  No additional configuration is required on the WAS/Portal server

10 10 Agenda  So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory ?  Installing Portlet Factory  Creating Projects  Creating Models  Testing and Deploying Models  Portlet Factory Development  Wrap up

11 11 Installing Portlet Factory  Portlet Factory can be officially installed on the following O/S’s  Windows 2003  Windows 2000  Windows XP professional  Windows Vista (Version 6.0.2 only)  Portlet Factory is a plug in to  Rational  Application Developer V6 and V7  Software Architect V6 and V7  Web Developer V6  Eclipse  3.1.x – PF 6.0  3.2.x – PF 6.0.1/PF 6.0.2

12 12 Installing Portlet Factory  Start the install program  Install.bat  On the splash screen choose the language of your choice  Click “OK”

13 13 Installing Portlet Factory  There will be an Introduction screen and a License screen  Click the “Next” button on both of these  On the “Choose Install Location” screen change the install location to something shorter than the default of installing in the program files directory  If you indicate the version number it will allows for the easy installation of multiple versions of the Portlet Factory  This may be beneficial if you are supporting projects going forward that are developed with different versions of the factory  Click the “Next” button

14 14 Installing Portlet Factory  On the “Specify install items” screen you have three choices  Into existing IBM Rational Application Developer  Into existing Eclipse  And Eclipse

15 15 Installing Portlet Factory  Pros  Makes sense if you already do the majority of your development in Rational Tools  Provides editors for XML, XSD Schema, HTML, CSS and other editors out of the box  Includes the WebSphere Application test Server  Supports Rational Application Developer, Rational Software Architect and Rational Web Developer  Cons  Can only easily support one installed version of the Portlet Factory  Requires more system resources (primarily memory) then Eclipse  Due to the number of syntax validators included in the Rational product line, there are many more errors and warnings that have to be ignored in the Problems tab  This makes it difficult to distinguish between the “noise” and real problems Into existing IBM Rational Application Developer

16 16 Installing Portlet Factory  Pros  Makes sense if you already have a working installed copy of the supported version of Eclipse  Requires less system resources (primarily memory) than the Rational products  As there are not as many validators, there are significantly less problems/errors in the problems tab for valid Portlet Factory projects  Cons  Can cause problems/errors if not installed into the proper version of Eclipse  For example the latest release of Eclipse is 3.3, but the latest supported release for the Factory is 3.2 Into existing Eclipse

17 17 Installing Portlet Factory  Pros  Best choice if no other development environment is installed on your workstation  Allows multiple versions of Portlet Factory to be installed on the same workstation  Ensures that proper version of Eclipse for running Portlet Factory  Does not alter the configuration of any other installed tools on your workstation  Isolates the Portlet Factory development environment  The workspace can be updated with additional editors to support XML, HTML, CSS and other editors  Cons  Requires additional disk space if other development tools are already installed  Managing workspaces can become difficult if not kept in version specific directories And Eclipse

18 18 Installing Portlet Factory  New to Portlet Factory 6.0.2 is the option to install WebSphere Application Server – Community Edition (WASCE)  This provides a light weight alternative to installing and configuring the App/Portal server on your local workstation  Installs as part of The Portlet Factory installation so there is no need to download, install and configure an alternate WAS server like Tomcat

19 19 Installing Portlet Factory  Install WASCE into the same directory that you are installing the Portlet Factory into  This keeps all of this versions specific resources together

20 20 Installing Portlet Factory  The final screen is a the Pre-Installation screen summarizing the installation choices  Click the “Install” button to complete the installation

21 21 Installing Portlet Factory – Best Practices  Don’t install in the default directory  Choose the “With Eclipse” install option  Install the WASCE server for testing locally  Install Portlet Factory, Eclipse and WAS/CE into the same directory root  If installing multiple version of Portlet Factory (or the same version into different IDE’s) copy the menu shortcuts to your Desktop  The Portlet Factory Install over writes the menu items with the latest installation location  Periodically check for fix packs and updates to ensure you are running the most current version of Portlet Factory

22 22 Agenda  So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory ?  Installing Portlet Factory  Creating Projects  Creating Models  Testing and Deploying Models  Portlet Factory Development  Wrap up

23 23 Creating Projects  Regardless of which IDE you extend all factory development is done in the WebSphere Portlet Factory Perspective Project List Builder Call List Problem, Task and Profile tabs Currently Open Model

24 24 Creating Projects  Create a new Portlet Factory Project using the file menu or the right click menu  Choose New > WebSphere Portlet Factory Project

25 25 Creating Projects  Provide a project name  By default this value becomes the basis for the deployed WAR file name  Keep it short but descriptive  Leave the “Use default location” box checked  This will store the project in the workspace

26 26 Creating Projects  Feature Sets add functionality to the project for a specific task  In the “Add Feature Sets” dialog select the additional functionality to add to this project  Functionality that is not added during project creation can be added later via the projects properties dialog  To access Domino objects, select the “Lotus Collaboration Extension” feature  Tutorial and Samples supply complete working examples of Portlet Factory projects  Don’t include in every project Tip

27 27 Creating Projects  Feature Sets are.pkg files located in the following directory  \install_folder\WPFDesigner\FeatureSets\Web-App_6.0.1\Packages .pkg files are Portlet Factory archives  Even though they have a.pkg extension, they are just WinZip files and can be opened with the WinZip utility  The Charting capability is for evaluation/demo purposes only  In order to use the charting in production applications you will need to  Upgrade to the Dashboard Framework  Get a license from GreenPoint, Inc. –

28 28 Creating Projects  No additional libraries need to be added to standard Portlet Factory projects  Just click Next

29 29 Creating Projects  Deployment Configuration defines the test server environments  The test servers need to be running before you create the configurations  You will need to Add a configuration when creating the first project in a every new Workspace  Subsequent projects will be able to choose from the existing configurations  You will need to create configurations for the  Application Server  WebSphere Application Server – Version 5.x or 6.x  WebSphere Application Server – Community Edition  Apache Tomcat – Version 5.5  Portal Server  WebSphere Portal Server – Version 5.x or 6.x

30 30 Creating Projects  You do not have to have the Portal Server installed on your local workstation  You can de-select the “Specify Deployment Credentials” checkbox on the Portal configuration  This will still allow you to create portlets in the Portlet Factory, but the only object that will be created is the deployment WAR file  This WAR file can then be installed on any Portal Server (Local or Remote) via the Administration tools included with the Portal Server

31 31 Creating Projects  Completed Deployment Configuration  After you click the “Finish” button you will be prompted to deploy the project now  Click “Yes”

32 32 Creating Projects  The Configuration details are stored in the workbench preferences under  WebSphere Portlet Factory > Deployment  The configuration files are located in the following directory  workspacedir\.metadata\.plugins\com.bowstreet.designer.webapp\deployme ntconfigs  The files located in this directory can be copied to a central location and then referenced in subsequent workspaces so the that the configurations do not have to be re-created

33 33 Creating Projects  Project folders are configured as JEE applications in the Project Explorer  Models folder  Contains all project Models  Profiles folder  Contains all profiles  WebContent/WEB-INF/work/source  Contains java code that can be accessed by the Linked Java Object (LJO) builder  WebContent  Contains support files –Web Pages –CSS files –XML Documents

34 34 Demo – Creating Projects

35 35 Creating Projects – Best Practices  Do not AutoDeploy the Portlet War from the Factory Configuration  This allows for the deployment of the WAR file via the Portlet Administration functionality  Use the WASCE test server installed as part of the Portlet Factory as your Web Application test server locally  If running a version prior to 6.0.2, then use the RAD test server or Tomcat  Do not include the Tutorials and Samples Feature in every project  If you need/want these for reference create a separate project

36 36 Creating Projects – Best Practices  After creating your first project, copy the Deployment configuration files to a central location for use by new workspaces  Only add the Features that are required for that project  Some Features add sample models, html, xml, css and xsd schema files that are not needed for the production application  Either delete these or add them to a “nodeploy” folder prior to production deployment (Search help for “nodeploy” for more information)

37 37 Agenda  So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory ?  Installing Portlet Factory  Creating Projects  Creating Models  Testing and Deploying Models  Portlet Factory Development  Wrap up

38 38 Creating Models  Models contain all of the application logic for a Web Application or Portlet  Models are contained in a Project  Create a new model from the file menu or right click menu  File > New > WebSphere Portlet Factory Model

39 39 Creating Models  Select the project this model will be a part of  Click Next

40 40 Creating Models  On the Select Model page there will be default choices and additional choices based upon features that have been added to the project  The following are the default options  Factory Starter Models  Empty  Main and Page  Service Consumers  List and Detail Service Consumer  Service Providers  Database Service Provider

41 41 Creating Models  Empty  An empty model that contains no Builder calls  It is a blank slate, to which the developer must add all of the necessary application functionality  Choose this type of new model when you want to build the entire application without any assistance up front  After you have familiarized yourself with the Portlet Factory this will be the one you start with 94.27% of the time

42 42 Creating Models  Main and Page  A Main and Page model supplies a page and a main action that presents that page when the application is run  You may specify your own page or use the default that is provided for you  This is a very basic starting point from which you may then begin your development effort  If you are creating a Web Application/Portlet that does not access any data (RDBMS, Domino etc) then this saves you the time of creating two builders you would need any way  Always create this simple model to test new server configurations

43 43 Creating Models  Database Service Provider  Creates a service provider model that exposes operations corresponding to SQL statements executed against a J2EE data source  The data source has to be defined on the Application/Portal server before the Portlet Factory can consume it  This wizard will provide some of the information for the builders that define this service provider, but most builders will have to be edited  In reality once you have used the wizard vs creating a service provider model from scratch, you will create service provider models from scratch

44 44 Creating Models  List and Detail Service Consumer  This wizard builds a model that displays data from a data service that is already defined in the project  It can create tables and detailed views of data using the View and Form Builder behind the scenes  In reality once you have used the wizard vs creating a service consumer model from scratch, you will create service consumer models from scratch

45 45 Creating Models  Other models available during setup  Some Features (like the collaboration feature for Domino) will add wizards to this interface that allow you to use them to create models with that features functionality  Once you have stepped through the wizard once and seen the builders that are included in the model you will probably opt for creating subsequent models from scratch  The final dialog will prompt you for a Model name and location  You can create folders that do not exist yet by typing the folder name in the “Enter or select the folder:” field  Enter the model name in the Model Name Field  Click Finish Tip

46 46 Creating Models  The newly created model will be displayed in the Project Explorer View under the Models folder  All the builders that are used to comprise this model are located in the Outline View Builder Call List Model

47 47 Creating Models  The model is open in the Editor area that can be navigated using the four tabs at the bottom of the view  WebApp Tree  Hierarchical structure of the application components  After adding a new builder you should review the WebApp tree to see what was added  Model XML  Complete XML representation of the application  If you export a model file, this is the contents of that file  Builder Call Editor  Editor where Builder Inputs are supplied  Web App Diagram  Graphical Depiction of the application

48 48 Demo – Creating Models

49 49 Creating Models – Best Practice  Create a Main and Page model to test new server configurations  Delete or add this model to the “nodeploy” folder prior to deployment  Use the “Empty” starting Model  Avoid “One Project – One Model” development  Remember that Project = Deployed WAR file  You can have multiple Models per project (5-10 is the recommended max)  Include a comment builder at the beginning of every Model that describes the models functionality

50 50 Agenda  So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory ?  Installing Portlet Factory  Creating Projects  Creating Models  Testing and Deploying Models  Portlet Factory Development  Wrap up

51 51 Testing and Deploying Models  All non-portlet specific application testing can be accomplished in the local test server  The majority of your testing can be done locally without deploying to the Portal Server  Create a Run-Time configuration to test Models using the local application server  Set the configuration to run the from the current active model  This will require you to only have one Run Configuration  Run Configurations can be created for specific model testing

52 52 Testing and Deploying Models  With a model open in the editor  Choose “Run > Run…” from the menu  Click on the “Run” tool in the toolbar  Use the keyboard shortcut “CTRL-SHIFT-F11”

53 53 Testing and Deploying Models  The model will run and be displayed in the configured browser  The default test browser is configured in the workbench preferences  Window > Preferences / WebSphere Portlet Factory

54 54 Testing and Deploying Models  Web applications are “Portalized” by adding the Portlet Adapter builder

55 55 Testing and Deploying Models  Once the a Web Application contains a Portlet Adapter builder the portlet WAR file can be generated for deployment to the Portal Server  The WAR file will be created in the directory that was configured during the project creation

56 56 Testing and Deploying Models  The Portal Administrator is used to deploy the Portlet WAR  Choose Portlet Management > Web Modules from the menu  Click on the “Install” button to browse to the WAR file on your local file system

57 57 Testing and Deploying Models  Using the “Browse” button locate the Portlet WAR file on your local system  Click the “Next” button to begin deploying the WAR

58 58 Testing and Deploying Models  On the next screen there will be a summary of the application and the portlets contained in that application that will be deployed

59 59 Testing and Deploying Models  You will receive a status that the web module was successfully deployed

60 60 Testing and Deploying Models  Once the WAR file has been deployed, updates to the WAR can be deployed using the “Refresh” functionality of the Portal Administrator

61 61 Testing and Deploying Models  The Portlet can then be added to an existing or new Portal page from either the administration interface or the edit page interface

62 62 Demo – Testing Models

63 63 Testing and Deploying Models – Best Practice  Use the local test server to do the majority of you application functionality testing  Create a Run configuration to test the currently open model  Do not auto deploy the Portlet WAR file to the Portal server  Create a local copy of the Portlet WAR on your local system  The process is then the same for deploying to a test or production server  Testing on the Portal Server only needs to occur when  You are testing the application as a Portlet on the Portal Server  Portlet testing requires authentication  This is usually due to using a custom profile handler  Testing different Portlet configurations using explicit profiling  Explicit profiles are applied using the portlets configure mode

64 64 Agenda  So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory ?  Installing Portlet Factory  Creating Projects  Creating Models  Testing and Deploying Models  Portlet Factory Development  Wrap up

65 65 Portlet Factory Development  All model functionality is added to the application via Builders  The Builders that are available will depend upon what Features have been added to the Project  Core Builders – available to every project  Data access –SQL –Web Service  Web Pages –Text, Images, Variables  Feature specific builders – Specific to the Features that have been added  Domino  SAP  AJAX

66 66 Portlet Factory Development  In Portlet Factory Builders become the “Language” that you have to learn  Before starting your first Portlet Factory project you should review the Builder help in the Help files  You are NOT memorizing each of the Builder call inputs, you are reviewing the elements you will use to build your application  This is same thing you did when you learned –The Domino Formula Language –LotusScript –Java –C ++ –C #

67 67 Portlet Factory Development  Like most languages you will find that you apply the 20/80 rule  You will use 20% of the builders 80% of the time  This will be the steepest learning curve for transitioning to the factory  This will become easier if you…  Review ALL the builders in the help  Go through ALL the tutorials that ship with the Portlet Factory  When a feature is added to a project sample models are usually added –Review these models to see which builders are used  Download and import the Samples that are available on Developerworks

68 68 Portlet Factory Development  Don’t lose sight of the fact that the end result produced by the Portlet Factory is a JEE application  This means that every application that produces output has to start with a “main” method  Service Consumer Models  Static web content Models  You either have to use an Action List builder called “main” or use a builder that implements a main method  Action List  View and Form  Domino View and Form

69 69 Portlet Factory Development  Builders are added to the Models Builder Call List in the Outline View from the Builder Palette

70 70 Portlet Factory Development  When a builder is selected from the Palette that builders inputs are opened in the Builder Call Editor  Values are supplied via the builder call inputs  The Icons next to the builder call inputs enable profiling for that particular input  Icons with no color mean the input has not been profiled  Blue icons mean the builder input has been profiled

71 71 Portlet Factory Development  Builders that have at least one Profiled input are also indicated in the Builder Call List

72 72 Portlet Factory Development  The power of Profiling Profile Entries Model Custom Application Custom Application Custom Application

73 73 Portlet Factory Development  The Power of Profiling  Profiles are used to alter the content or functionality of an application at run- time  Profile values are created and stored separate from the application  There are two types of Profiling in Portlet Factory  Explicit –Values are explicitly applied to alter content or functionality – In the Portlet Factory designer – In the Portlets edit or configure mode  Custom (Dynamic) –Values that alter content or functionality are applied programmatically based upon – Browser locale – LDAP or Portal group membership – Custom profile handler

74 74 Portlet Factory Development  When a Builder call input has been profiled two components are created  A Profile Set  A Profile set is the container for “n” number of profile entries  A Profile Entry for that builder input  A profile entry maintains the profiles and their values that will alter the content

75 75 Portlet Factory Development  The Profile set editor can be used to manage all of the profile entries for a model  The Select Handler tab is used to set the Profile Selection Handler  The default handler is the Explicit Handler  Custom Handlers can be chosen from the drop down list  Portlet Factory ships with several

76 76 Portlet Factory Development  Explicit Profiles can be applied in the Portlet Factory designer via the “Applied Profiles” tab with a Model open for editing

77 77 Portlet Factory Development  Service / Consumer Models (Implementation of SOA)  Always at least two Models  Service Provider  Service Consumer  Service Provider models can be consumed by many Service Consumer Models Service Provider Model Service Consumer Model Service Provider Model Service Consumer Model Service Consumer Model Service Consumer Model

78 78 Portlet Factory Development  The Service Provider model provides access to data from;  A Web Service  A SQL data source (RDMBS)  Domino  SAP  Service Provider Models do not contain any UI or display elements  In other words no “main” method  Service Operations expose “consumable” functionality  Automatic testing support can be enabled in the Service Definition builder Service Provider Model Service Consumer Model Data

79 79 Portlet Factory Development  The Service Consumer model provides output from a Provider  Consumes functionality from the Service Provider Model to  Read View Data –Table of records from a RDBMS  Read Specific Data –Specific record from a RDBMS  Perform data operations –Create new records –Edit existing records –Delete existing records Service Provider Model Service Consumer Model Application Output

80 80 Portlet Factory Development  Using the Domino Builders  In order to use the Domino collaboration builders the “Lotus Collaboration Extension” will need to be added to the project at the time it’s created or from the projects properties after the project is created

81 81 Portlet Factory Development  Create a new properties file and update it with your server information  When the collaboration features are added a properties file is added in the following location  WebContent\WEB- INF\config\domino_config\  This file is overwritten during fix pack and dot release updates  Create a copy of this file in the same directory to hold your configuration information. You will need to configure  Server Name  User Name  Password

82 82 Portlet Factory Development  The Domino Server parameter “Allow HTTP Clients to browse databases:” will have to be set to “yes”  This only needs to be set on the development server so the Portlet Factory can access the databases  The property does not have to be set on production servers  The two primary builders you will use  Domino Data Access  Does not contain a “main” method  Allows access to back end Domino Data via View Name  Domino View and Form  Contains and optional “main” method  Allows access to back end Domino Data via View Name  Allows for complete View, Create, Edit, Delete functionality

83 83 Portlet Factory Development  The Domino View and Form builder does not lend itself well to a Service Provider/Service Consumer model  Methods created by the Domino View and Form Builder are only available in the model that contains the Domino View and Form Builder or Data Access Builder  It is easiest to access “Flat” Domino data  There are no builders that allow for hierarchical Domino data  There are no default capabilities that handle multi-value fields  You will need to create a Java file that reads the document as it is being loaded, parses all multi value fields and then replaces the field contents in the displayed document –This will be demoed

84 84 Portlet Factory Development  There are Domino specific issues that the Factory does not work with easily  Multi-value fields  Controlling UI Elements via Database ACL role values

85 85 Portlet Factory Development  Controlling UI Elements via Database ACL roles values  Create a Web Service that reads the Database ACL based upon the logged in user  The Web Service is created in an Eclipse Project or Rational Developer, NOT THE FACTORY  Use the returned value in a Profile set to control the value of the builder input to either enabled or disabled it  Create a custom profile selection handler to run the web service and return the ACL roles  Use those role values to control the builder inputs enabled flag

86 86 Portlet Factory Development  Multi-value fields  Create an Linked Java Object (LJO) that includes a method to read the multi- value fields  Create a method that will call the LJO to write the values back to the document  Call that method in a link builder that replaces the default link builder

87 87 Demo – Portlet Factory Development

88 88 Portlet Factory Development – Best Practices  Review ALL the Builders in the Portlet Factory Help  Keystroke ALL of the tutorials that ship with Portlet Factory  Review sample code added as part of a Feature Set  Import and review the samples from Developerworks  Consider Profiling at the BEGINNING of the project cycle, not the end  Use the highest-level builder available for the job  View and Form instead of Data page  Try and keep model size under 50 builders  Use a service provider/consumer model architecture  Use the Model Container, Imported and Linked model builders

89 89 Portlet Factory Development – Best Practices  Use Linked Java Objects instead of multiple Method builders  Use a Rich Data Definition to simplify and centralize field formatting, validation, and UI  Use the Comment builder to organize and document the application  Review the “Best Practices” documentation on the wike site  The “Look and Feel” of the Portlet Factory output is controlled by Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), HTML Templates  If you are not familiar with CSS or have a resource that is, you will need to come up to speed on this as part of learning Portlet Factory

90 90 Portlet Factory Development – Best Practices  Test your Service Provider Models using the built in testing support BEFORE consuming them  User Profiling during development to access Data Sources  When naming builders preface the builder names to differentiate them from the objects created by the factory  Actions – A_ActionName  Methods – M_MethodName  Variables – V_VariableName  Use comment builders to describe the functionality of the builders in the Builder Call List

91 91 Agenda  So What Exactly is the Portlet Factory ?  Installing Portlet Factory  Creating Projects  Creating Models  Testing and Deploying Models  Portlet Factory Development  Wrap up

92 92 Wrap up  Other Portlet Factory Sessions  HND203 – IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Version 6.02 Not Just for Portlets Anymore!  AD407 – Creating Rich Internet (AJAX) Applications with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory  AD406 – Best Practices for Creating Applications with IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory  AD409 – Extending IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory with Custom Builders

93 93 Resources  Portlet Factory WIKI  ACT=105AGX01&S_CMP=LP  Developerworks  Portlet Factory Zone   Forums  Factory+forums+on+developerWorks  Product Documentation  /proddoc.html

94 94 Resources  Downloads  http://www- 00&dtm  Davelan Top Gun Portlet Factory Courses 

95 95 Resources  Learning Portlet Factory  Official IBM Curriculum  WP416 – IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory V6.0.1: Developer Fundamentals  WP516 – IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory V6.0.1: Advanced Developer Topics  WP520 – Using IBM WebSphere Dashboard Framework 6  Familiarize your self with ALL of the builders via the Builder help  Samples and Tutorials  Download and review all the samples and tutorials available from the Documentation and wiki sites  Review Sample code added as part of a Feature Set  Review and participate in the Portlet Factory forums

96 96 Resources  Davalen  Davalen Top Gun courses  Stop by their booth on the showroom floor  Get a great shirt  Scan your badge to win a Gift Certificate or a Nintendo WII

97 97 Remember the On-line Evaluations !!!!!  Please take a moment after this session to fill out the on-line evaluations !!!!!!  Fill out 15 or more evaluations and your name will be entered in a drawing where 5 lucky attendees will receive a free pass to Lotusphere 2008 !!!

98 98 Questions ? Hire Me !

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