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4B Unit 8 What’s…? Wuxing Experimental Primary School Xu Liping.

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1 4B Unit 8 What’s…? Wuxing Experimental Primary School Xu Liping

2 There be 句型 意义: 在某地有某物或某人

3 Discuss: 1. There be 句型的结构是怎样的? 2. Be 动词是怎样变化的?

4 There be 句型 结构: There be+ 某物或某人 + 地点 2. Be 动词是怎样变化的?

5 1. There ___ some water on the desk. 2. There ___ some books and a pencil case on the desk. 3. There ___ a pencil case and some books on the desk. What can you find is are is

6 Be 动词的用法: there be 后面是单数或不可数名词用 is, 是复数用 are 。 若有多个名词就采用就近原则。看紧 跟在 there 后的第一个名词,是单数或 不可数名词用 is, 是复数用 are 。

7 1. There ___ a TV in the classroom. 2. There ___ some pens on the blackboard. 3. There ___ two rubbers and a pencil. 4. There ___ a pencil and two rubbers. 5. There ___ some tea in my water bottle. is are is are Fill in the blanks is

8 1. There ___ a TV in the classroom. 2. There ___ some pens on the blackboard. 3. There ___ two rubbers and a pencil. 4. There ___ some tea in my water bottle. is are is are What’s in the classroom? What’s on the blackboard? What’s on my pencil case? What’s in my water bottle? Let’s enjoy a song

9 This is our school. It’s… There’s a … There are some/many … I like our school.



12 globe ( 地球仪 )


14 12 43 A:Which one do you like? B: I like … A:Why? B: Because it’s …, and there’s …/there are …

15 My name is David. I’m a student. My school is not very big, but very beautiful. Look, this is my classroom. It’s very bright. There ___ a computer on the teacher’s desk. There ___ 20 students in my class. 9 girls and 11 boys. There ___ 2 libraries in my school. The big one is for the students. The small one is for the teachers. There ___ a big playground in the school. I like to play football there. I like my school. is are is David’s school

16 ( ) 1. David’s school is very big. ( ) 2. There are two computers on the teacher’s desk. ( ) 3. There is a small playground. ( ) 4.There’re 11 boys in his class. ( ) 5. David likes his school. True or false: F T F F T

17 Assignments 1.Sing the song “In the classroom” Please use “there be sentence” to describe 2. Please use “there be sentence” to describe what is in our school. what is in our school. 请用 there be 句型描述我们的学校。 请用 there be 句型描述我们的学校。


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