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Who Ruled Egypt? French/Ottomans: 1798-1805 Ali Dynasty/British: 1805-1952* (Egyptian independence granted in 1922 and officially ally with Britain in.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Ruled Egypt? French/Ottomans: 1798-1805 Ali Dynasty/British: 1805-1952* (Egyptian independence granted in 1922 and officially ally with Britain in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Who Ruled Egypt? French/Ottomans: 1798-1805 Ali Dynasty/British: 1805-1952* (Egyptian independence granted in 1922 and officially ally with Britain in 1936) Egyptian Republic: 1953-Present

2 Muslim Brotherhood Established in 1928 Hassan-al-Banna Establishment of an Islamic Caliphate* (Dar-el-Islam) Koran/Sunnah as “the sole reference point for... ordering the life of the Muslim family, individual, community... and state". Sayyid Qutb World War 1 German propaganda 13 th Waffen SS Division

3 Free Officers Movement 1952 Military coup to remove King Farouk I Destroy the constitutional democracy and establish a republic based on Pan-Arabism Royal incompetence led to the Arab loss in the 1948 War Led by General Muhammad Naguib and Gamal Abdel Nasser Nasser takes control in 1954

4 Military Takes Control Muslim Brotherhood attempts to kill President Nasser in 1956 Egyptian military clamps down on dissident groups Thousands from the Muslim Brotherhood are arrested or killed Nationalize the Suez Canal in 1956* Aswan High Dam

5 Leader of the Arab World 1957: Britain, France and Israel withdraw from Sinai and Suez Canal United Arab Republic created (Egypt, Syria and Yemen) With Nasser as President. Nasser survives Saudi attempt to blow up his plane and gains popularity Strengthens Arab position with Soviet Union while maintaining a strong anti-communist position at home Supported armed attempts to overthrow Abdel Karim Qasim in Iraq and bring Iraq into the UAR

6 1960’s Syria pulls out of the UAR and declares independence Orders Sayyid Qutb to be executed in 1966 Nationalizes media in Egypt Pushes other socialist reforms (healthcare, vocational training, infrastructure reforms) 1967 War Recognition and aid to the PLO

7 1970’s Anwar Sadat is elected president after Nasser dies Sadat continues with a lesser version of Nasser’s goals 1973 Yom Kippur War Bread Riots of 1977 Sadat supports drawing down military pressure with Israel in 1975 Peace Treaty with Israel signed in 1979

8 1979 Peace With Israel Egypt becomes the first Arab nation to recognize and reach a peace deal with Israel Egypt opens up the Suez Canal and other major shipping lanes to Israeli shipping Israel pulls out entirely from the Sinai Initially popular with Egyptians Egypt is kicked out of the Arab League Egypt seen by Arabs as being selfish and not supporting the greater Arab cause

9 1981-Present Sadat orders the arrest of over 1500 Islamists Oct. 6 th 1981: Anwar Sadat is killed by Muslim Brotherhood Hosni Mubarak takes over as president Mubarak continues to press down on the Muslim Brotherhood 1989: Egypt allowed back into the Arab League Mubarak agrees to send Egyptian soldiers to Saudi Arabia in First Gulf War Mubarak pushes for a comprehensive Arab peace with Israel Following the Israeli incursion into Gaza after Hamas attacked, Mubarak stated that “Hamas had brought it upon themselves"

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