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Topic 6.  Washington Bio Washington Bio  True patriot – preferred farming, allowed people to make him president.  Sworn in April 30, 1789  “The first.

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Presentation on theme: "Topic 6.  Washington Bio Washington Bio  True patriot – preferred farming, allowed people to make him president.  Sworn in April 30, 1789  “The first."— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic 6

2  Washington Bio Washington Bio

3  True patriot – preferred farming, allowed people to make him president.  Sworn in April 30, 1789  “The first of everything in our situation will serve to establish a precedent.”  Precedent – an action or decision that later becomes an example.

4  Created a Cabinet of advisers:  Secretary of State: Thomas Jefferson  Secretary of Treasury: Alexander Hamilton  Secretary of War – Henry Knox  Attorney General – Edmund Randolph

5  Secretary of Treasury – Alexander Hamilton  Biggest concern was the Revolutionary War debt NOT paid off.  Congress paid off remaining debt – upset Southern states that had repaid or owed little.  Hamilton asked Congress to create Bank of the United States. Wanted to increase economic growth and mint coins.

6  Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton STRONGLY opposed and personally disliked each other.  Hamilton believed power should be balanced between the “masses” and the wealthier citizens to preserve liberties, but keep the people from having too much power.  Jefferson strongly opposed Hamilton’s views on the average person’s ability to make decisions for the country.  The Capital came as an agreement:  Hamilton would get his Bank of the United States and the Jefferson could pick the capital (in the South).

7  French Revolution 1789  Much more VIOLENT and BLOODY than the American Revolution.  Washington – states Neutrality Proclamation (help no European countries at war)  REFLECTION: In 2-3 sentences, talk with a partner and discuss how you think France feels about the Neutrality Proclamation.  Fun Fact: After the French Revolution, they changed their calendar and made you publicly declare your friends even if you didn’t have any.

8  Against the British:  Jay’s Treaty: stopped little fights between British and American ships.  Many upset it wasn’t in our best interest.  Against the Spanish:  Opened the Mississippi River at New Orleans to U.S. ships. Settled border between Spain and U.S.

9  Whiskey Rebellion Whiskey Rebellion

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