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D. DeMille, E.Hudson, N.Gilfoy, J.Sage, S.Sainis, S.Cahn, T.Bergeman, * E.Tiesinga † Yale University, * SUNY Stony Brook, † NIST Motivation: why ultracold.

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Presentation on theme: "D. DeMille, E.Hudson, N.Gilfoy, J.Sage, S.Sainis, S.Cahn, T.Bergeman, * E.Tiesinga † Yale University, * SUNY Stony Brook, † NIST Motivation: why ultracold."— Presentation transcript:

1 D. DeMille, E.Hudson, N.Gilfoy, J.Sage, S.Sainis, S.Cahn, T.Bergeman, * E.Tiesinga † Yale University, * SUNY Stony Brook, † NIST Motivation: why ultracold polar molecules? Photoassociation: Rb + Cs  RbCs* Production & state-selective detection of metastable RbCs (v  1) Production of absolute ground-state RbCs X(v=0) Optical trapping of metastable RbCs (v  1) The (near) future Enhanced sensitivity to variation of  m e /m p in Cs 2 Production of ultracold polar molecules from atoms Funding NSF, Keck Foundation, DOE Packard Foundation DeMille Group

2 lab picture: people Jeremy Sage Sunil Sainis Jamie Kerman Tom Bergeman (Stony Brook) Eite Tiesinga (NIST) Nate Gilfoy Eric Hudson Theory Experiment (Yale)

3 Applications of ultracold polar molecules Electrically polarized molecules have tunable interactions that are extremely strong, long-range, and anisotropic--a new regime  New, exotic quantum phases checkerboard, supersolid, BCS, etc.  Models of strongly correlated systems quantum Hall, lattice spin systems, dipolar Wigner crystals, layered/chained systems, etc.  Large-scale quantum computation Coherent/quantum molecular dynamics  Novel collisional phenomena  Ultracold chemical reactions Precision measurements/symmetry tests --narrow lines improve sensitivity AND --molecular structure amplifies effects  Time-reversal violating electric dipole moments (  10 3 vs. atoms)  Parity-violation: anapole moments/Z 0 boson couplings (  10 11 !)  Time-variation of fundamental constants (also non-polar) Bohn, Krems, Dalgarno, Hutson, Balakrishnan, Meijer, Ye et al., etc… Hinds et al., Doyle, D.D., Ye, Flambaum, Kozlov, etc… Zoller, Büchler, et al., Lewenstein, Lukin, Demler, Baranov, D.D., etc., etc., etc.…

4 -V +V Optical lattice w/transverse confinement Strong E-field Weak E-field Electric dipole-dipole interaction Quantum computation w/polar molecules in a lattice bits = electric dipole moments of polarized diatomic molecules register = array of bits in optical lattice (weak trap  low temp  10  K) processor = microwave resonance w/spectroscopic addressing (robust, like NMR) interaction = electric dipole-dipole (strong  fast CNOT gates ~ 1-100 kHz) decoherence = scattering from trap laser (weak trap  long T ~ 5 s) readout = laser ionization or cycling fluorescence + imaging (fairly standard) scaling up? (10 4 - 10 7 bits reasonable? via Mott insulator w/ n  10 13 cm -3 ) D.D., PRL 88, 067901 (2002); Ostrovskaya; Kirby/Cote/Yellin; Kotochigova/Tiesinga;…

5 Cold molecules from cold atoms I: photoassociation |  e ( R )| 2 |  g (R) | 2 V e (R) V g (R) “Condon radius” R C PA laser Internuclear distance R energy EKEK S+P S+S transition rates governed by free-bound* Franck-Condons polar molecule  heteronuclear heteronuclear excited-state potentials have short range (r -6 only)  PA harder due to van der Waals “speedup” electronically excited molecular states primarily decay into hot free atom pairs  loss of atoms from MOT Seminal early work: Homonuclear expt. Heinzen, Pillet, UConn, etc. (’90s) Theory: Julienne, etc. Heteronuclear expt. Bigelow (‘98) Theory: Wang & Stwalley (’98) spont. emiss.

6 MOT trap loss photoassociation spectra RbCs and Cs 2 rotational structure (Ω = 0) RbCs rotational + hyperfine structure (Ω = 1,2) dozens of bandheads observed; analysis yields novel information on long-range heteronuclear potentials, non-adiabatic couplings, etc. hfs analysis still needed A.J. Kerman et al., Phys Rev. Lett. 92, 033004 (2004) spectroscopically selective production of individual low-J rotational states up to 70% trap depletion for RbCs   (100%) atom-molecule conversion Similar data for KRb (UConn ‘04), NaRb (Rochester ’07) RbCs

7 Cold molecules from cold atoms II: radiative stabilization |  e ( R )| 2 |  g (R) | 2 V e (R) V g (R) “Condon radius” R C laser Internuclear distance R energy EKEK S+P S+S decay to hot free atom pairs or ground-state molecules (ratio from FCFs: more favorable for heteronuclear!) Dissipation via spontaneous emission  accumulation (metastable,   1 s) BUT electronic ground state population distributed over several high vibrational states molecules at translational temperature of atoms (modulo two photon recoils) rotational state selection in PA + selection rules  few rotational states (1-3)

8 Detection of metastable RbCs: ionization + mass spec channeltron -2 kV electrode +2 kV Cs,Rb time 10 ns 532 nm 5 mJ 670-745 nm 0.5 mJ PA laser strong, non- selective excitation ionization pulse Similar detection + temperature measurement in many species: RbCs: Yale, Aero. Corp. KRb: Sao Paolo, UConn NaRb: Rochester LiCs: Freiburg

9 Ground-state (vibrationally excited) RbCs @T = 100 K Time to ballistically exit detection region t ~ 10 ms  translational temperature T ~ 100  K delay PA

10 Cold molecules from cold atoms III: stopping the vibration |  i (R) | 2 EKEK |  g ( R )| 2 |  e ( R )| 2 laser Internuclear distance R energy V g (R) S+S V e (R) S+P ~1 rotational state Atomic translational temperature BUT distributed over several high vibrational states Laser transfer from high vibrational level to v=0:  TRULY ultracold molecules (translation, rotation, vibration) High vibrational states UNSTABLE NOT POLAR  want vibrational ground state! NEEDED: initial state location & population pathway w/Franck-Condon overlap for “pump” AND “dump”

11 Mapping the vibrational distribution of cold RbCs clear ID of (2) 3  + band origin 37 36 39 38 40 44 a 3  + A.J. Kerman et al., PRL 92, 153001 (2004) clear ID of a 3  + vibrational pattern (weakly bound) ~7% decay into most-populated a 3  + (v = 37) level big, regular patterns in spectrum yield (2) 3  + vibrational splittings (2) 3  + weak, selective excitation ionization +UConn (KRb, 2005) + spin-orbit doubling 2 nd order spin-orbit

12 v = 0 E pump = 9786.1 cm -1 E dump = 13622.0 cm -1 Transfer verified on ~6 separate transitions Estimated efficiency ~6%, limited by poor pulsed laser spectral profiles Narrow rotational distribution, limited by pulsed laser linewidth (2) 3  + (1) 1  1 J.Sage et al., PRL 94, 203001 (2005) Production of vibronic ground state by stimulated pumping

13 KRb metastable (least bound state) production reported: Hamburg, JILA Heteronuclear molecules from degenerate gases Feshbach resonance No dissipation needed100% transfer to single molecular state Viable pathways for stimulation to X 1  + (v=0) ground state tentatively identified for ALL bialkali species (Stwalley) Stimulated Raman? (Lattice assisted?) JILA, MIT, Florence, Hamburg,… STIRAP: Drummond, Heinzen,... Lattice: Damski et al.; Moore & Sadeghpour; etc. protection from collisions in lattice

14 Ongoing work: optically trapped polar, absolute ground-state RbCs molecules Lattice CO 2 Trap Photoassociation in optical trap allows accumulation of vibrationally excited molecules Trapped molecular sample will allow study of: atom-molecule collisions molecule-molecule collisions dipolar effects? chemical reactions? 1+1 REMPI & TOF mass spec as before for state-selective detection

15 Trapped RbCs lifetime vs. precursor atom density  = 270 ms ± 81 ms  atoms ~ 10 10 cm -3  = 86 ms ± 7 ms  atoms ~ 10 11 cm -3 Compare to:  atoms ~ 4 s Clear evidence for RbCs collisions!

16 Coming soon: “distilled” sample of polar, absolute ground-state RbCs molecules Lattice CO 2 Trap Photoassociation in optical trap allows accumulation of vibrationally excited molecules STIRAP transfer to X(v=0) w/transform- limited lasers Dipole CO 2 Trap +V -V Gravity v = 0, J = 0 polar molecules levitated by electrostatic potential other species (atoms, excited molecules) fall from trap Anticipated: pure, trapped sample of >310 4 RbCs(v=0) @n>10 11 /cm 3 T  15 K

17 Why study time variation of electron-to-proton mass ratio  ? (   m e /m p ) Variation of “constants” motivated by --naïve models of dark energy (an experimental fact!) --ideas about extra dimensions (from string theory) --connections to equivalence principle --tentative observations in cosmological data Grand unified theories suggest (/) ~ 30(/) [variation of   fine structure constant strongly constrained] Optical atomic clocks insensitive to  Laboratory tests now comparable in sensitivity to cosmological limits

18 Enhanced sensitivity to d  /dt with molecules (   m e /m p ) ~eV

19 Sensitivity to d  /dt vs. binding energy (   m e /m p ) E R  1.1  “pile-up” near dissociation limit harmonic: linear slope=1/2 anharmonicity slows response response 0 at D e Sensitivity vs. energy Morse potential

20 d/dt with ultracold Cs 2 ultracold Cs 2  narrow lines (  1 Hz?) X 1  g + a 3  u + high level densities  singlet-triplet overlaps common (?) efficient Cs 2 formation (via photoassociation or Feshbach + stim. Raman) into deeply-bound a 3  u levels possible [favorable FC factors] +

21 Two-color PA spectroscopy of Cs 2 “Typical” abs. sensitivity  ~ 0.01 Hz for  = 10 -15 100-1000 improvement over current limits feasible? 0 g 6s 1/2 +6p 3/2 - a 3  u 6s 1/2 +6s 1/2 + Cs 2 ion detection + Cs 2 X 1  g sensitivity to  + triplet well bottom range studied X1gX1g + Cs 2 formation PA Probe

22 perturbing singlet level perturbed triplet level GHz binding =4, F=10 =4, F=8,9 S=1, I=7, f=7 GHz binding Theory: E. Tiesenga, T. Bergeman ℓ I S f F Observation of singlet-triplet degeneracy in Cs 2

23 Demonstrated optical production of ultracold polar v=0 molecules: T ~ 100  K now, but obvious route to lower temperatures Same technique for transfer to ground state applicable to all heteronuclear bialkalis + levels produced by e.g. Feshbach association Formation efficiency of >5% into most-populated v  1 levels of the ground electronic state AND efficient transfer to v=0 ground state (>5% observed, ~100% projected) Demonstrated optical trapping of v  1 levels w/long lifetime  Collisional studies of ultracold, heteronuclear bialkalis  Large samples of stable, trapped, ultracold polar molecules in reach? New system for enhanced sensitivity to variation of   m e /m p identified & under investigation in Cs 2 Status & Outlook: ultracold bialkali molecules from atoms

24 Heteronuclear  polar? from: M.Aymar & O.Dulieu, J. Chem. Phys. 122, 204302 (2005); also: Kotochigova, Julienne, Tiesinga d<10 -2 D @ ~300 GHz binding energy Dipole moment d (Debye) Weakly bound levels  little electron wavefn. hybridization  small dipole moment: d   R 7  (B.E.) 7/6 @long range X 1+X 1+ a 3+a 3+ RbCs X(v=0) d = 1.3D Deep X 1  + levels have substantial dipole moment d ~ 0.5-5 D (2.54 D = 1 ea 0 ) Dipole moments of heteronuclear bialkalis

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