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Presentation on theme: " Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 1 INFO 324 Team Process and Product Week 2 Dr. Jennifer Booker College of Information Science and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 1 INFO 324 Team Process and Product Week 2 Dr. Jennifer Booker College of Information Science and Technology Drexel University Introduction

2 Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 2 Agenda SRS discussion – OPOW1

3 OPOW – Original Request Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 3 Your client has emailed this request: “I am working on a digital library project. See As part of this project, we want to make collections of course materials visible on the Ensemble portal. To do that we need to harvest metadata describing each course material in a collection. To do that we are using OAI-PMH, a protocol for harvesting metadata. See We need a program that can reformat a file of metadata to match the OAI-PMH protocol. The input would be a text file with metadata extracted from one or more repositories of course materials. Can you help?”

4 OPOW SRS Activity: class discussion based on homework assignment OPOW1 Goals –Practice critiquing an SRS –Discussion of SRS strong and weak points Discussion starting points –What questions would you ask about the SRS? –What design decisions are being made? Should they be deferred to the design? Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 4

5 Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 5 Agenda SDS and SDS-V1 template Activity: Design entities Assignment: OPOW2 – SDS

6 Software Design Specification SRS: WHAT should the system do SDS: HOW should the system do it Switch to designing in the SDS –Don’t repeat requirement statements –But do refer to them explicitly Get into the particulars of design entities Key question: if you sent the SDS to a development group would they build the system the clients wants? Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 6

7 SDS-V1 Template Tour 1Introduction –1.1Scope –1.2Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations 2Architectural Description 3Interface Description –3.1User Interface –3.2Data Interface –3.3Programming Interface 4Detailed Design Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 7

8 Design Entity Content Entity ID and Name Type – Be specific and consistent Requirement – Always and only a pointer to a particular requirement in the SRS Description – varies by entity type –Key question: Would someone else know how to build this entity based on the description? –Level of detail varies by project size and designer-implementer relationship Need to always cover the basics rather than assume Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 8

9 Detailed Design Entities What are the common types? What should you specify for each type? Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 9

10 Sample Entity Types Database (overview) –Database table User interface (overview) –Screen, Web page Function (program code) File …. And so on Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 10

11 Description for a Table Entity Name Key(s) Name and type of each data element Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 11

12 Example: Table Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 12 4.14 Active Listings Type: Database table Requirement: Partially fulfills requirement 3.2.9 Description: Name: Active_Listing This table contains a row for each item available for trading. Table content is defined in Figure 6. AttributeKeyTypeLength UserIDPKSTRING15 DatePostedSTRING8 ItemIDFKSTRING10 TradeValueBOOLEAN1 TradeDescriptionSTRING300 Figure 6 – Active Listings database table

13 Function Name Parameters Return type and meaning Algorithm or description of processing Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 13

14 Example: Function Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 14 4.3 Trim Trailing Characters Type: Function Requirement: Fulfills requirement 3.2.6 Description Name: trimright Parameters: target – a pointer to a string to be trimmed guide – a pointer to a set of the characters to trim from target Return: An integer representing the length of target after trimming Use: int trimright(char *target, char *guide) Processing: Scan target from right to left and truncate characters until encountering a character in target that is not in guide. Calculate the new length of target and return that value. Example: target = “ab/cd///” guide = “/” trimright( *target, *guide) returns 5 and leaves target = “ab/cd”

15 Screen Name Layout - at least a rough drawing Definition of data that appears on the screen –Tie to internal data element names Interaction description –Behavior when a user interacts with the screen Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 15

16 Example: Screen Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 16 18 – Main Menu Type: Screen Requirement: Partially fulfills requirement 25. Description: This is the first screen that the Hero will see upon opening PokerAid and it provides access to each of the PokerAid features. The screen will contain a column of buttons with a brief description of each. The screen will be overlaid on the PokerAid standard screen template. Start/Stop Configure Exit Toggle to begin or end processing of poker data Access configuration options Exit PokerAid

17 Activity: Design Entities List design entities for Sandy’s Castle –Name and type Create a full design for several of these entities –For interface entities, include: system name, screen name, user instructions, navigation options (not just ok/continue but also cancel, exit, maybe reset or main menu nav options) Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 17

18 Assignment: OPOW2 Review a partial OPOW SDS –Note questions for the designer - What questions would you need to ask the designer to be able to implement OPOW from this SDS? –Are all entities clear and complete? Define entities for the user interface Define entities for an alternative user interface design Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 18

19 Copyright by Gregory W. Hislop 19 In Your Future... Next Class –Design discussion – based on OPOW2 –New mini-project

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