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Continental Drift, Seafloor Spreading & Plate Tectonics

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1 Continental Drift, Seafloor Spreading & Plate Tectonics
Standard 3 (pink test review packet)

2 Continental Drift Earth’s continents were once joined as single landmass; broke apart and continents drifted to present position Pangaea: supercontinent (break up ~ 200 mya) Wegner Not accepted - lack of mechanism for the movement of continents (why and how)


4 Evidence for Continental Drift
Jigsaw puzzle fit of continents (S.A. & Africa) Rock formations on different continents – same age, similar structure Fossils of land dwelling animals on different continents Climate – coal beds (form in humid swamps) found in Antarctica & tropical plants

5 Seafloor Spreading New oceanic crust forms at mid-ocean ridges
Destroyed at subduction zones (deep-sea trenches) Magma rises, forced upwards, lava fills in ridge, hardens and new seafloor moves away from the center of the ridge.

6 Evidence for Seafloor Spreading
Discovery of mid-ocean ridges Seafloor youngest at mid-ocean ridges Magnetic pattern is the same on both sides of the ridge (mirror image) Hess Technology: Sonar (uses sound waves)


8 Theory of Plate Tectonics
Earth’s crust and rigid upper mantle are broken into tectonic plates Movement of plates creates most volcanoes and major mountain ranges Movements cause earthquakes Plates move because of Convection in the mantle


10 Types of crust/plates Continental Crust Oceanic Crust Older Lighter
Granite 30 miles thick Oceanic Crust Younger Denser Basalt 5 miles thick

11 Plate Boundaries Divergent convergent transform

12 Divergent Plates move away from each other
Most found on seafloor (mid-ocean ridges) Found on continental crust – stretches crust to form a rift valley (African Rift Valley) Shallow earthquakes

13 Convergent Plates move towards each other Crash or collide
3 types based on type of crust

14 Convergent Boundaries: plates converge/collide
Continental – continental high mountain ranges Himalayas Continental – oceanic volcanic mountain ranges on land, deep-sea trenches Cold more dense plate sinks Andes, Cascades Oceanic – oceanic volcanic islands, deep-sea trenches Colder, denser plate sinks Mariana Island, Japan


16 Transform Boundaries Two plates slide past each other
Example – San Andreas fault

17 Mantle Convection Convection: hot less dense material rises & cold, denser material sinks Magma rises because it is less dense than surrounding rock & it forces itself upwards Driving force of plate tectonics


19 HOT SPOTS Some volcanoes form over hot spots
As tectonic plate moves chain volcanoes form Hawaiian Islands – Kilauea located over hot spot Yellowstone located over hot spot


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