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Chapter 15 Cold Related Emergencies

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1 Chapter 15 Cold Related Emergencies
First Aid Chapter 15 Cold Related Emergencies

2 Frost nip Freezing limited to skin surface
Freezing of water on skin surface

3 Frost nip Skin red and swollen No further damage after re-warming
First sigh of impeding frost bite

4 Frost nip Gently warm by placing against a warm body part.
Can blow warm air on Do not rub

5 Frost Bite Freezing extending deeper into skin and flesh

6 Frost Bite Occurs when temp drops below freezing
Mainly effects feet, hands, ears, nose

7 Frost Bite Severe consequences are gangrene and amputation

8 Frost Bite Cannot judge extent of injury until after thawing occurs

9 Frost Bite Can be classified as: Superficial Deep

10 Frost Bite Superficial Skin color white, waxy, or grayish yellow
Feels cold & numb Tingling, stinging or aching sensation Skin surface feels stiff or crusty but underlying tissue is soft.

11 Frost Bite Deep Feels cold, hard and solid. Cold pale, waxy skin color
Painful parts suddenly stops hurting Blisters after thawing

12 Frost Bite: What to Do Get out of cold & into warm place
Remove any clothing or items that could impair circulation SMA

13 Frost Bite What to Do If more than 1 hour from a medical facility:
Re-warm by placing in warm, not hot water. Control pain with analgesics

14 Frost Bite What to Do After thawing:
Will not be able to walk if feet are effected Place gauze btw toes or fingers Elevate effected part

15 Frost Bite What to Do DO NOT Rub or massage
Use heating pad or hot water bottles Consume alcohol Smoke Re-warm if possibility of re-freezing

16 Hypothermia Life threatening Body core temp falls below 95

17 Hypothermia: What to Look For
Change in mental status Shivering Cool abdomen Low core body temp

18 Hypothermia: Types Mild: Core temp above 90 Shivering Slurred speech
Memory lapse Cold hands, feet and abdomens

19 Hypothermia: Types Severe: Core temp below 90. Shivering has stopped
Muscles stiff & rigid Skin is ice cold Pulse and breathing slow down Pupils dilate Appears dead

20 Hypothermia: What to Do
Stop further heat loss: Get out of cold Replace wet clothing Insulate beneath and around victim SMA

21 No Learning Activities 15 Frostbite
1. Rub or massage to re-warm frostbitten part. No

22 Yes Learning Activities 15 Frostbite
2. Frostbite damage becomes more severe if affected part is thawed and re-frozen. Yes

23 Yes Learning Activities 15 Frostbite
3. It is best to re-warm a frostbitten part with warm water. Yes

24 No Learning Activities 15 Frostbite
4. Placing frostbitten hands in another person’s armpits is the best re-warming method. No

25 Yes Learning Activities 15 Frostbite
5. When near a hospital, it is best to let medical personal thaw the frostbitten part. Yes

26 Learning Activities 15 Get to warm place Remove constricting clothing
Scenerio: Subfreezing temps. Elderly man in stalled truck. Spilled gasoline on hands. Stranded for over 3 hours. Numb fingers. Cold feet What to do? Get to warm place Remove constricting clothing SMA Thaw with wam water if help is delayed

27 Yes Learning Activities 15 Hypothermia
1. Add insulation, (blankets) under and over victim. Yes

28 Yes Learning Activities 15 Hypothermia
2. Replace wet clothing with dry clothing. Yes

29 Yes Learning Activities 15 Hypothermia
3. Shivering is sufficient to re-warm a mild hypothermia victim. Yes

30 No Learning Activities 15 Hypothermia
4. For mild hypothermia, heat packs, using a rescuer's body are preferred methods for re-warming No

31 Yes Learning Activities 15 Hypothermia
5. Severe hypothermia, should be transported to hospital for re-warming Yes

32 Yes Learning Activities 15 Hypothermia
6. Check a severe hypothermia victim’s pulse for at least seconds Yes

33 Learning Activities 15 Scenario: cold day. 80 y/o grandfather. Wrapped in blanket laying on top of bed. House very cold. He can only mumble. . What to do? Handle gently SMA Add blankets under and over.

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