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 Notice that this word has 3 medial consonants (consonants in the middle)  In wealthy, the l stands for one sound, and the letters th stand for one.

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Presentation on theme: " Notice that this word has 3 medial consonants (consonants in the middle)  In wealthy, the l stands for one sound, and the letters th stand for one."— Presentation transcript:


2  Notice that this word has 3 medial consonants (consonants in the middle)  In wealthy, the l stands for one sound, and the letters th stand for one sound.  The th stays together when the word is divided into syllables.  Wealthy can be divided into 2 syllables: weal/thy

3  In accomplish, the m stands for one sound.  The letters pl form a blend /pl/.  The word is divided between the double consonants, and the blend stays together when the word is divided into syllables.  Accomplish can be divided into 3 syllables: ac/com/plish

4  In a word with 3 medial consonants, the two consonants that stand for one sound or form a blend stay together when the word is divided.

5 Identify the 3 medial consonants. Where are the syllable breaks?

6  Turn and tell your partner what the 3 medial consonants are.  healthy  Hold up the number of fingers that show how many syllables are in this word.  heal/ thy -2 syllables  Why do the letters th stay together? Turn and tell your partner  th will stay together because the letters th make one sound /th/

7  Turn and tell your partner what the 3 medial consonants are.  Imprecise  Hold up the number of fingers that show how many syllables are in this word.  im/pre/cise- 3 syllables  Why do the letters pr stay together? Turn and tell your partner.  Remember- pr will stay together because the letters p and r form a blend /pr/

8  Turn and tell your partner what the 3 medial consonants are.  sickness  Hold up the number of fingers that show how many syllables are in this word.  sick/ness – it has 2 syllables  Why do the letters ck stay together? Turn and tell your partner.  The letters ck stay together because they form one sound /ck/

9  Turn and tell your partner what the 3 medial consonants are.  explosion  Hold up the number of fingers that show how many syllables are in this word  ex/plo/sion-3 syllables  Turn and tell your partner why pl will stay together in the 2 nd syllable.  pl forms the blend /pl/  Thumbs up if the 2 nd syllable is open, thumbs down if it is closed.  If you gave a thumbs up you are right!

10  In a word with three medial consonants, the two consonants that stand for one sound, or form a blend, stay together when the word is divided into syllables.


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