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EQ – what is a polynomial, and how can I tell if a term is one?

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Presentation on theme: "EQ – what is a polynomial, and how can I tell if a term is one?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ – what is a polynomial, and how can I tell if a term is one?
Polynomials Polynomials EQ – what is a polynomial, and how can I tell if a term is one?

2 Terms: Monomial – a number or product of numbers and variables with exponents that are whole numbers Examples: 2n, x3, 4a5b6, 7 Non Examples: p2.4, 2x, ,

3 Polynomial – one monomial or the sum or difference of monomials
Examples: , , , x+4 Non-Examples: , ,

4 Polynomials are classified by their number of terms
One term – monomial Two terms – binomial Three terms – trinomial Four or more-polynomial

5 Polynomials are also classified by degrees.
The degree of a polynomial is the same as the term with the greatest degree Degree Degree Degree Degree 0 This polynomial has a degree of 5

6 Degrees of a Polynomial
Leading coefficient is in front of the highest degree term. A constant can be a leading coefficient if by itself. O - constant 1st – linear 2nd-Quadratic 3rd-Cubic 4th-Quartic Standard form –polynomial in descending order of degrees.

7 Simplifying Polynomials
You can simplify a polynomial by adding or subtracting like terms ( they must have the same variable and the same degree) Or you can simplify one using the distributive property Leading coefficient - coefficient in front of the term with highest degree.

8 Combining like terms


10 Try these:

11 Using the Distributive Property

12 Try these:

13 Adding Polynomials To add two polynomials, you can combine like terms or line up the like terms and add them vertically. Horizontal format Vertical format


15 To add them vertically:

16 Try these:

17 Subtracting Polynomials
This is like adding the opposite -- find the opposite of the second number and then add like you did before Horizontal format Vertical format

18 Finding the opposite

19 To Subtract:

20 Try these:

21 Multiplying polynomials by monomials

22 Or you may need the distributive property

23 Try these:

24 Multiplying binomials
Think FOIL (first, outside, inside, and last) This is the order you will multiply them!

25 Check out these examples:

26 Try these:

27 Factoring Polynomials
Factoring is dividing out factors that are the same in the polynomial Factoring binomials are reversing FOIL.

28 Factoring Taking out the GCF of the terms of a polynomial.

29 Leading coefficient not 1

30 Special factoring Patterns in factoring…

31 Try these:

32 The End

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