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BIOLOGICAL DATABASES. BIOLOGICAL DATA Bioinformatics is the science of Storing, Extracting, Organizing, Analyzing, and Interpreting information in biological.

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Presentation on theme: "BIOLOGICAL DATABASES. BIOLOGICAL DATA Bioinformatics is the science of Storing, Extracting, Organizing, Analyzing, and Interpreting information in biological."— Presentation transcript:


2 BIOLOGICAL DATA Bioinformatics is the science of Storing, Extracting, Organizing, Analyzing, and Interpreting information in biological sequences Bioinformatics has been mainly fueled by advances in –DNA sequencing –Genome mapping techniques There are 3 billion base pairs that make up human DNA –Handling the massive amount of data is a challenge –Hence the necessity for Biological Databases Biological Data also includes protein sequences The most famous example of the application of bioinformatics and biological databases was the Human Genome Project

3 Data Sources Biological data can be of derived from a variety of sources –Sequencing Analyzing DNA to find the exact sequence of nucleotides This method is used for the Human Genome Project –Gene Expression Determining which, previously known, genes are produced by a specific organism One such way to detect expression is a Microarray –A synthetic chip to which certain DNA sequences will only bond to a certain location –Allows for easy cataloging of genes produced by a specific organism –Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) Shows relations between diseases and any known responsible genes within the human genome

4 DATA SUBMISSION Data storage is complicated due to the wide array of sources and the need for cooperation and consistency amongst them Therefore, myriad methods have been implemented on resources such as the NCBI website To the right is a diagram showing the submission process for GenBank A break down of Data Submission Process

5 EXTRACT AND ORGANIZE DATA Some of the databases are: –Nucleotide Contains nucleotide base pairs –Taxonomy Contains names of all organisms that are in the genetic databases with at least one nucleotide or protein sequence –Protein Contains protein sequences –OMIM Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, a catalog of human genes and genetic diseases DATABASES LITERATURE DATABASES PUBMED PUBMED CENTRAL OMIM MOLECULAR DATABASES NUCLEOTIDE PROTEIN TAXONOMY STRUCTURE GENOMES ENTREZGENOME MAP VIEWER Some available databases Diseases OMIM

6 ANALYSIS TOOLS Biological data needs to be analyzed to discover –Sequence structure –Functional patterns Existing databases contain ancillary information that may be of assistance to researchers/scientists Some Data Analyzing tools are: –BLAST Basic Local Alignment Search Tool Similarity searches provide important clues to the function of uncharacterized proteins –RasMol Is an excellent and free molecular viewer available for Windows, Macintosh and UNIX

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