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Foot & Lower Leg.

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Presentation on theme: "Foot & Lower Leg."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foot & Lower Leg

2 Metatarsals (long foot bones) Tarsals (small bones near ankle)
Bones of the Foot Phalanges (toe bones) Metatarsals (long foot bones) Tarsals (small bones near ankle)

3 Transverse Metatarsal Inner longitudinal Outer longitudinal
Four Arches of the Foot Transverse Metatarsal Inner longitudinal Outer longitudinal

4 Fibula (smaller bone lateral to tibia)
Bones of the Lower Leg Patella (kneecap) Tibia (shinbone) Fibula (smaller bone lateral to tibia)

5 Each foot contains 26 bones and 38 joints!!

6 Stress Fractures

7 Exercise too severe or long in duration
Causes of Stress Fxs Exercise too severe or long in duration lack of exercise (results in weakening of the bone)

8 Increased pain when athlete exercises POINT TENDERNESS
S/S of Stress Fxs Increased pain when athlete exercises POINT TENDERNESS may be mistaken for shin splints early x-rays may not detect!

9 physician evaluation & x-rays
TX of Stress Fxs RICE physician evaluation & x-rays

10 Turf Toe

11 The ligaments supporting the big toe become sprained
Cause of Turf Toe The ligaments supporting the big toe become sprained usually due to hyperextension

12 may be prevented with taping
Turf Toe Usually a minor injury may be prevented with taping

13 Arch Sprains

14 Sprain of the supportive ligaments in the foot
Arch sprains Sprain of the supportive ligaments in the foot

15 Arch sprains once stretched, the ligaments fail to hold the bones of the foot in proper position

16 Overuse overweight fatigue training on hard surfaces
Causes of Arch Sprains Overuse overweight fatigue training on hard surfaces wearing improper shoes

17 Resulting problems:Arch sprains
Shin splints achilles tendon strain foot fatigue strained muscles

18 TX: Arch Sprains RICE taping

19 Heel Spur & Heel Bruise

20 The heel receives, absorbs, and transfers much of the impact from sports activities...

21 Heel Spur Bony growth on the heel that causes painful inflammation of the surrounding tissue

22 Causes of Heel Spur Irritation due to repeated stretching of the plantar fascia (ligamentous tissue in the foot)

23 Tx of Heel Spur Rest Proper footwear

24 Muscle Spasms

25 Sudden, violent contraction of a muscle
Muscle Spasms Sudden, violent contraction of a muscle

26 Muscle Spasms: contributing factors (no specific cause)
Overwork in early season fatigue fluid loss foot structure Poor equipment incomplete rehab poor diet/nutrition

27 controversial if massage is helpful or harmful
TX: Muscle Spasms Stretch muscle controversial if massage is helpful or harmful

28 Blisters

29 Blisters The layers of skin rub together and the friction causes separation. Fluid accumulates in the separation and puts pressure on the nerve endings. This causes PAIN!

30 Recognize hot spots which are warning signs for blisters.
TX: Blisters Best tx is PREVENTION! Recognize hot spots which are warning signs for blisters. Use protective pads on suspect areas! Early use of Duct Tape!!!!!!!

31 Don’t pop (risk of infection). Use donut pads around blister.
TX: Blisters Don’t pop (risk of infection). Use donut pads around blister. Don’t put pressure on the blister.

32 Shin Splints

33 Inflammation of the interosseous membrane
Shin Splints Inflammation of the interosseous membrane

34 Lack of or sudden increase in level of conditioning
Causes of Shin Splints Lack of or sudden increase in level of conditioning improper/incomplete warmup/stretching muscle weakness or imbalance

35 running on hard surfaces poor running habits improper running shoes
Causes of Shin Splints running on hard surfaces poor running habits improper running shoes poor foot structure

36 Taping is usually not helpful PREVENTION!!!!!!! Strengthen and Stretch
TX: Shin Splints RICE Taping is usually not helpful PREVENTION!!!!!!! Strengthen and Stretch

37 Anterior Compartment Syndrome

38 ACS Hemorrhage/swelling inside compartment increases pressure on the nerves, the veins, and the arteries…this can cause death of the muscle cells!

39 Causes of ACS Direct trauma excessive exercise

40 Pain even after slowing down/stopping Pain even after cold treatment
S/S ACS Pain even after slowing down/stopping Pain even after cold treatment numbness of foot

41 DON’T use the RICE method!!!!!!
TX ACS DON’T use the RICE method!!!!!! Compression and elevation will exacerbate the problem! DO use COLD and REST!!!

42 Treat this as a medical emergency!
TX ACS Treat this as a medical emergency!

43 TX ACS Misdiagnosis may lead to a worsening of the condition, permanent nerve damage, and disability!

44 Other Foot Problems

45 Athlete’s Foot (caused by fungus) Ingrown toenails Corns & Calluses
Other Foot Problems Athlete’s Foot (caused by fungus) Ingrown toenails Corns & Calluses Plantar warts (caused by virus)

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