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Chapter 4.2 speaking quiz Español 1. Basic Requirements You will be given today in class and a little on Friday to prepare for the presentation on Monday.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4.2 speaking quiz Español 1. Basic Requirements You will be given today in class and a little on Friday to prepare for the presentation on Monday."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4.2 speaking quiz Español 1

2 Basic Requirements You will be given today in class and a little on Friday to prepare for the presentation on Monday. If someone in your group is absent their grade is compromised, NOT EACH PERSON’S GRADE. The absent person will take a different speaking quiz with me. Your table group, no less than 3. Speaking in Spanish, NO ENGLISH.

3 Requirements for Skit Each person has to speak at least 3 times. Meet, greet, goodbye from each (does not count as one of your 4 times of speaking). Topic/Setting: Spanish Club Fiesta/School Grammar: 1 conjugated verb said by each person, 3 vocab words said by each person, 1 question asked by each person, the use of “ir”, “dar”, “estar” at least one time each in the script. NOT by each person. Misc.: 1 prop each Pronunciation: individual grade

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